



Young People From Around the World Join the City Government / 國際青年進市府

◎Written by Johanne

葉市長接見國際青年人才時表達了歡迎之意,同時也期許他們把高雄的友誼與熱情傳達至全世界。In order to facilitate a foreign language learning environment in government agencies and increase interaction opportunities with the international community, Kaohsiung City Government worked with AIESEC IN TAIWAN, an international non-profit youth organization, and accepted 10 young talents from around the world in different government agencies as assistants. Since September, four interns have joined the Information Office, Commission of Indigenous Affairs, Bureau of Human Resource Development for Civil Servants and Teachers, and Social Affairs Bureau, for internship lasting from six months to one year. This provides opportunities for these young people to gain a deeper understanding of everyday life in Kaohsiung and gather the distinct characteristics of Kaohsiung's residents. It is also expected that city government officials will be able to broaden their horizons with international views inspired by the different ways of thinking of these young talents.
 Acting Mayor Yeh met with the international interns on September 12 and expressed her warm welcome to them. She hopes the interns can have a better knowledge of Kaohsiung City's features and local atmosphere during their one-year stay in the city. She also expects them to use their Kaohsiung experience as a gateway to further understand Taiwan, and, more importantly, spread the friendship and hospitality of Kaohsiung throughout the whole world.
 Adam Drzewuki from Poland is interning at the Information Office. He is assigned to help at Kaohsiung's Municiple Film Archive as well as its Broadcasting Station, once a week. Adam is really excited about this precious internship opportunity. What's worth mentioning is that Adam is a production intern at Kaohsiung Broadcasting Station. He has a five-minute show on FM94.3 every Thursday, in which he shares his experiences in Kaohsiung, on air.
 Nasima Khusnutdinova, an intern from Russia, is working at the Volunteering Office of Social Affairs Bureau. Specializing in Oriental History, Nasima is fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing Chinese. During the ICF Dragon Boat Racing 2006 World Championships, a sports event that was held as a warm up for the 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung, Nasima represented the city government and was able to welcome the dragon boat racers from Russia, her home country.
 Satoko Murao, from Japan, earned an MA degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Usukuba. She has developed a great interest in different indigenous cultures, and will be interning with the Commission of Indigenous Affairs, for six months. Satoko said that she is very happy to be able to know many indigenous people and local Kaohsiung residents. She hopes to help the indigenous people to gain more opportunities to become exposed to international cultures.
 Chiara Gomiselli from Italy, came to Kaohsiung hoping to better understand oriental culture, which is entirely different from that of the Europe. Chiara has high expectations of her internship. She hopes to gain a deeper understanding of the Taiwanese culture and begin to learn Chinese. Interning at the Bureau of Human Resource Development for Civil Servants and Teachers, Chiara looks forward to observing how the agency plans for the fostering and training of civil servants and teachers through a non human resources channel. As a sports enthusiast, she also wants to learn from Kaohsiung's experience in planning the 2009 World Games.


Nasima(右,著白衣者)於2009世運暖身賽龍舟競賽期間,代表市府接待俄羅斯龍舟隊的選手。高雄市政府為營造市府局處外語學習環境,提昇本市國際交流機會,與全球性青年非營利組織─國際經濟商管學生會台灣總會(AIESEC IN TAIWAN)合作,引進10名國際青年人才至市府各相關局處協助市政推廣工作;目前,市府已陸續有四位研習生自9月起至市府新聞處、原民會、人發局及社會局等局處見習半年至1年,深入了解高雄的在地生活,感受高雄人不一樣的城市性格,透過他們不同思維模式刺激,開拓市府官員的國際視野。
 來自波蘭的Adam Drzewuki於新聞處見習,在新聞處的規劃下,每週至電影圖書館及高雄電台各實習一次,這樣寶貴的實習機會令Adam雀躍不已,值得一提的是,Adam在高雄電台實習製播5分鐘的節目,觀眾只要在每週四收聽高雄廣播電台(FM94.3),就可以聽到Adam與大家分享他在高雄的所見所聞。
 Nasima Khusnutdinova於社會局志工室研習,是俄羅斯籍的研習生,專長是東方歷史,中文聽說讀寫都沒有問題的她,此次於2009高雄世運暖身賽─2006年ICF世界賽龍舟錦標賽比賽期間,更稱職地代表市府,熱情地接待來自故鄉俄羅斯的龍舟隊代表團選手。
 畢業於筑波大學研究所,主修環境科學的日本籍研習生Satoko Murao,將於原住民事務委原會研習6個月,對原住民文化特別感興趣,Satoko表示,她非常開心,能認識許多原住民朋友以及高雄市民,她也冀望可以增加原住民朋友們國際文化交流的機會。
 來自義大利的Chiara Gomiselli因為想要體驗與歐洲截然不同地東方文化而來到高雄,Chiara對於此次的研習規劃有很深的期許:從文化的觀點,除了希望可以深入地認識台灣的文化,也規劃來到高雄後,開始學習說中文;另外,於公教人力發展局研習的她,也希望可以仔細觀查人發局如何在人力資源的領域外,進一步推動、規劃公教人員的「發展」、訓練。喜愛體育的她,也想藉由這次至高雄研習的機會,觀察高雄如何籌備2009世運會。