



Zuoying Wan Nian Folklore Festival / 左營萬年季

◎Written by Yu-Fong Wang ◎Photograph by Chung-hui Pao

藉由萬年季的舉辦將左營傲人的歷史資產及特質。 Every October, the "Zuoying Wan Nian Folklore Festival" is held in Zuoying filling the area with an atmosphere of happiness and excitement. Activities are held in each and every corner of the district, and since 2006 marks the 180th anniversary of the building of the Old Fongshan City Wall, there'll be a certain historic element to the activities held.
 "Zuoying Wan Nian Folklore Festival" is not a traditional festival, but a festival that came about when locals proposed that the historic resources of the area be displayed at a festival; it began in 2001.  Nowadays, in terms of annual events, the Wan Nian Folklore Festival is regarded as the most well-known activity held in Zuoying.
 There's also good reason why it's named the "Wan Nian Folklore Festival". Zuoying was the first area of Kaohsiung to be developed, an area that saw Han settlement during the Ming Dynasty, thus touching on the "folklore" element of the festival. Moreover, Zuoying was also the capital of Wan Nian County which was south of Tainan, hence incorporating "Wan Nian" into the name of the festival.
 Historical monuments, a long history of local cuisine, and groups of people who have immigrated to Zuoying to avoid war are some of the factors that have made Zuoying an exciting mix of old and new; a place well-worth visiting. To honor these important features of the area, the annual "Zuoying Wan Nian Folklore Festival" is held religiously.
 There are more than 10 sorts of activities at the Wan Nian Folklore Festival, of which the most popular include "Firecracker Show Illuminating Lotus Lake", "Firing Lion", "Cannon Siege" and "Cake Chess Playing". "Firecracker Show Illuminating Lotus Lake" provides onlookers with a breathtaking collage of sparkling lights set against a backdrop of night sky; be sure not to miss it.
 The other three activities have historical and traditional relevance. "Firing Lion" represents a Life Guardian. People burn paper notes on which their wishes are written and after the "Firing Lion" completes his dance, it is said that the wishes will come true. The "Cannon Siege" is an activity simulating troops of the Ming Dynasty garrisoning the Wan Nian Castle and bombarding bandits. The "Cake Chess Playing" is a chess games with a difference; how it differs from an ordinary game is that the chess pieces are cakes. Once you take the other player's cake, you can eat it; symbolizing overwhelming defeat.
 In addition to the festival, this year is the 180th anniversary of the building of the Old Fengshan City Wall, and the City Government is going to celebrate these two events together. The Zouying Castle we see today was built in 1826 AD, and it was the most magnificent stone-made castle of its time. Meanwhile the Old Fengshan City Wall was the executive center of Fengshan County, roughly including Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County, and Pingtung County.
 As time goes by, the years notch up and the "Old Fengshan City Wall" meets its 180th anniversary. With the prosperity and recession of Zouying, let's welcome the annual, joyful celebration of Zouying along with the Wan Nian Folklore Festival.

◎文/王御風 ◎攝影/鮑忠暉

璀璨的燈火點亮蓮池潭的夜空,整個左營地區充滿歡熱地氣氛。(照片提供:張忠義) 每年十月,左營地區就會充滿歡樂氣氛,因為一年一度的「左營萬年季」再度登場,全左營都籠罩在一連串的活動中,而今年(2006年)又適逢左營舊城建城180年紀念,歡慶之外,更增添許多思古幽情。動中,而今年(2006年)又適逢左營舊城建城180年紀念,歡慶之外,更增添許多思古幽情。



