



Kaohsiung Light Rail System Marks a Cornerstone in Transportation Development/輕軌串起夢想的天使


Kaohsiung Light Rail System Marks a Cornerstone in Transportation Development

◎English translation: Tan Shu-jyun ◎Photo by Pao Chung-hui


  The Kaohsiung light rail system will go into operation. This new important transportation artery will begin its trial operations from October, 2015. During this trial, passengers can ride for free between C1 Lizihnei and C4 Kaisyuan Jhonghua stations. The light rail system is not only Taiwan's first, but a pioneer by adopting catenary-free route. Kaohsiung's Mayor Chen Chu believes the light rail system will be a great catalyst in moving the city forward.

高雄輕軌即將上路了 Kaohsiung light rail system is expected to be in service this October.

  In the past, Taiwan's economy depended on Kaohsiung's petrochemical and heavy industry.  However, it has taken a toll on the city's environment. Today, Kaohsiung is transforming its economy from heavy industry into one that is based on tourism, environment, culture and creativity. The city's transportation systems are a key factor in making such transformations possible. The light rail system will certainly give a strong boost to Kaohsiung's effort in becoming a greener city and developing its tourism sector. "Pollution, combined with overdevelopment, has caused droughts, floods and extreme weather.  Therefore, Kaohsiung has had no choice but to develop more green initiatives", explains Mayor Chen Chu.

  The light rail system provides tourists with a new way of exploring Kaohsiung, making it easy to take in its beautiful scenery and landmarks. With its interconnected circular line,  it will not only complement the existing bus lines but also the Mass Rapid Transit's Red and Orange lines. Passengers can easily access Asia's New Bay Area such as Kaohsiung's beautiful bay-front Main Public Library, the Maritime Cultural & Popular Music Center, Kaohsiung Exhibition Center and the Kaohsiung Port Terminal. The route also includes the older more traditional areas, such as the revitalized century-old historical buildings in the Yancheng and Hamasen Districts. It will connect Kaohsiung's past and present with its new buildings and historical local culture.

  "Kaohsiung's light rail system will carry our city forward!  Come and see Kaohsiung's transformation and beauty!" says Mayor Chen.



◎文/李明潓 ◎攝影/鮑忠暉




輕軌加入高雄人的日常生活 A new way to travel around Kaohsiung  因此,要從工業城市轉型為以觀光、綠能及創意產業為主軸的高雄,關鍵之一就是城市運輸。於是輕軌來了!這項幸福城市新配備,不但打通經濟與觀光發展的新動脈,也大幅提升高雄為現代化綠色城市的形象,吸引越來越多的觀光客搭乘大眾運輸工具深度暢遊高雄。

  2015年10月,高雄市開啟輕軌試營運,期間優惠民眾刷卡免費試乘「C1 籬仔內站-C4凱旋中華站」,同時,每個輕軌停靠站,都已規劃好完善的公車轉乘服務。未來,高雄輕軌將再行經「亞洲新灣區」,沿途河海交織,串連多元化的國際指標建築。


