



The taste of autumn in Jiasian: Giant Bamboo Shoots and Taro/甲仙初秋鮮味 麻竹筍、芋頭


The taste of autumn in Jiasian: Giant Bamboo Shoots and Taro

◎English Translation: Peng Hsin-yi 

◎Photos: Pao Chung-hui


Giant Bamboo Shoots
高如成人的麻竹筍Giant bamboo shoots It is 6 am and the bamboo forests are filled with farmers busy harvesting the bamboo shoots. Systematically, the farmers hew the tall stalks, slice the shoots and separate them from the hardened wood-like fiber part. The farmers then put giant bamboo shoots into piles according to size and ship them off to processing plants. Buyers come to buy in bulk and bid on the shoots after the fermentation stage has been completed.
 The Latin name for this type of bamboo is Dendrocalamus latifloxus Munro. However since they are so tall, they are locally known as giant bamboo shoots. The farms take up about 2,000 hectares (4,942 acres) of Jiasian's land. Most of the farms are located in the hills which makes it difficult for the farmers to care for the shoots. The hills provide such good soil so that they do not need to use pesticides or fertilizers and produce excellent quality bamboo shoots.
 Mr. Wang Cyuan-sheng has been a bamboo farmer for more than 30 years. He explains, bamboo shoots take 3 years to reach maturity. The forest requires no fertilizers, pesticide or herbicides, an extremely natural process. Mr. Wang describes the taste as complex and fresh, it is sweet, with a hint of bitterness. However, they are not suitable to eat as a fresh vegetable and are sold as cans of pickles and processed into a variety of other products.
 Another farmer is Mr. Lu Jhong-yi, he describes Jiasian's bamboo shoots as being sold mostly in the domestic market. Jiasian is Taiwan's second largest supplier. He explains that it is important to boil the bamboo shoots for at least an hour in order to get rid of the bitter flavor and enhance the fragrance. Cooked bamboo shoots will turn a creamy yellow color, and the natural enzymes will kickoff the fermentation process; therefore, no seasonings or artificial flavors need to be added. The process takes approximately two weeks and with high temperatures and humidity, fermentation sometimes requires adjustment. Mr. Lu believes the most demanding part of the harvest is that it must be completed in one day or the taste and texture will quickly fade. Often during harvest season, farmers don't get to bed until well past midnight.
 The fermentation produces a lactic acid bacterium which adds depth and complexity to the taste. The tips of the bamboo shoots are usually shredded into fine strings and are found in the canned goods section of supermarkets in Taiwan. The bottom part of the shoot contains thicker fiber and is either made into dried bamboo or used in prepackaged food products.
芋頭田Taro farmsJiasian Taro: Unlike anywhere else
 Taro ice shops can be found on every corner in Jiasian. Jiashan is the home of a special type of taro known as Areca Heart. Maturing in 10 months, the harvest usually peaks after Mid-Autumn Festival (mid-September) and farms consume approximately 100 hectares (247 acres). However, they are having a hard time keeping up with demand so that people who want to try this unique treat must come to Jiasian.
 Jiasian's land is rich in nutrients. The taro farms are located on its slopes which allows for good drainage and a great agricultural environment. The roots are ready to harvest when the leaves wither and fall off. Taro is shaped like an irregular oval and is much bigger than a potato or yam. 筍管(上)The bottom part of the shoots;發酵的筍尖(下)The tip of bamboo shoots after fermentationOnce harvested, the land lies fallow for 2 to 3 years, in order allow for the regeneration of its fertility. The texture of Jiasian's taro roots is finely-grained and waxy. It can withstand a long cooking time and retains its shape. If the taro is cut at the cross section, it becomes clear the inside contains evenly distributed purple veins. Its starch leaves a white, powdery residue and has a unique fragrance. The diverse product can be used in savory dishes or desserts..






 甲仙的麻竹筍種植面積約有2,000公頃,受到山坡地影響,以種植「加工用」品種為大宗,每年七月底開始進入產季,一年約可收成兩個月。擁有超過30 年種植經驗的翁泉盛說,加工用麻竹筍口感爽脆,清甜中略帶苦味,栽種後至少需經過3年以上才能採收,不施肥、不噴灑農藥,是最天然的作物之一。
甲仙芋頭口感綿密The finely-grained and richly textured taro 甲仙地區農會表示,當地芋頭品種為檳榔心芋,成長期約10個月,中秋節後才進入盛產期,種植面積約100公頃,品質極佳,總是供不應求,若想品嚐正港的甲仙芋頭,可得親自跑一趟。