



"Taste the World,See the Island"AIESEC Winter National Conference 2004 is to formally open 世界心,在地情 2004年AIESEC冬季全國大會即將正式登場

    AIESEC is a French acronym for "International Association of Students in Economics and Management." In 1948, several years after the war, seven Nordic university students, including Erik Malson from France, established AIESEC in Stockholm, Sweden. Through its international traineeship exchange programs, AIESEC has built a communication bridge among young people from different countries and cultures, and reinforced international understanding and cooperation.  Trainees have the chance to use their management skills in real-life situations via exchanges. In 1964, Taiwan also joined this global network which spans four continents and 85 countries. Of the fourteen Taiwanese universities that are members of AIESEC, three of the universities, National Sun Yat-sen University, National Cheng Kung University, and Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, are located in the south.
 AIESEC is an international, non-political, non-profit, student-run, independent, educational foundation with the vision of increasing the competitiveness of young adults. It encourages life-long learning and practice.  With its unique global network of talent, AIESEC facilitates international exchange of trainees, which comprises its core works. In accordance with its support for pragmatic learning attitude, AIESEC fosters young leaders to have international outlooks through a wide range of courses, activities, training, and most important of all international exchanges. This year 6,512 trainees worldwide applied for exchange programs and 2,859 were admitted, including10 Taiwanese students.
 AIESEC in Taiwan will hold its Winter National Conference 2004 (WNCF) and Leadership Development Seminar on January 14th at National Sun Yat-sen University. WNCF 2004 will last four days. The theme this year is "Taste the World, See the Island". Frequent global exchanges provide students with international learning experiences. Furthermore, trainees may experience diverse environments, travel to different countries, and interact with other people, which encourage the learning of different customs as well as the development of professional attitudes. The strong links between AIESEC participants make all these possible. Meanwhile, international exchanges also facilitate the internationalization of domestic industries by sharing experiences with the world. This in turn creates new opportunities for reciprocal cooperation.
 Through the last ten years of hard work, AIESEC Sun Yat-sen committee has been successful in promoting cultural interchange and industrial cooperation. For example, in industry, Kaohsiung Chinatrust Hotel voluntarily signed up for an international traineeship exchange program with AIESEC Sun Yat-sen committee in 2002. The hotel offered training for qualified Japanese students as a way to build on its customer base. Mr. Kobayashi, who participated in this training program, performed very well and impressed everyone. Also, in terms of culture, global interaction arranged by AIESEC has allowed Kaohsiung to show off its various aspects. For instance, Lisa, an Australian exchange student, participated in tzungtzu wrapping activity held by AIESEC during the Dragon Boat Festival. She also visited The Confucius Temple and The Dragon Tiger Tower in Kaohsiung. Another Malaysian trainee, Chia-kai Kuan, visited many famous Kaohsiung tourist spots last April. These tourist spots combined with the hospitality of AIESEC Sun Yat-sen committee instilled in Kuan with a long-lasting wonderful impression of Kaohsiung.

  AIESEC讀音eye-sek,是法文全名的簡稱,英文的全名為International Association of Students in Economics and Management;AIESEC創立於二次世界大戰後的1948年,由法國的Erik Malson等七位北歐的大學生在瑞典的斯德哥爾摩創立,藉著推動國際研習生交換計劃的執行,讓來自不同國家、不同文化背景的年輕人,有互相交流的機會,藉以增進人與人之間的了解,落實四海一家的理念,並在交換的研習過程中,獲得各種實務管理的機會。台灣亦於1964年加入這個遍佈全球四大洲、85個國家的大家庭,現在,台灣有14所大學參與,南部地區有中山大學、成功大學和文藻技術學院等校共襄盛舉。
  AIESEC 2004冬季全國大會暨領導人才培訓營,將於元月十四日在中山大學盛大登場,以「世界心、在地情」為其主題,進行為期四天的會期。值得一提的是,在這樣一個國際交流頻繁的過程中,除了供給學生跨國的學校學習經驗外,藉由AIESEC這個大家庭雄厚的人脈網絡,研習生置身於不同的場合、不同的國度、接觸不同的人,更廣泛的學習各國的風土民俗及各專業精神;同時,無形中,也在本土企業散播出企業國際化的教育種子,落實國際經驗的交流,開創互惠合作的新契機。