

Shoushan's Love Terrace and its Surrounding Attractions/高雄港與市區盡收眼底─壽山LOVE觀景台


Shoushan's Love Terrace and its Surrounding Attractions

◎English translation: Hou Ya-ting ◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui


  Kaohsiung's residents enjoy getting up early to watch the sunrise. Shoushan's hillside scenic Love Terrace is the place to go. Located about a half hour drive from the downtown area, Shoushan is known as Kaohsiung's backyard. It also offers great views of the city and ocean from its mountain top lookout. It is a popular attraction for visitors, as well as local residents. Usually the sunrise begins around arrive 6 a.m., so it is suggested to get there early.

  The Love Terrace is in close proximity to the Martyrs' Shrine, which is also located in Shoushan Park. Visitors can park in the parking lot and then climb the stairs up to the actual shrine. It overlooks the Port of Kaohsiung and Kaohsiung's downtown area.  Kaohsiung's famous landmark of the 85 Sky Tower and Mount Dawu can also be seen from there.

壽山LOVE觀景台 Love Terrace on Shoushan

  After exploring Shoushan, head down the mountain to Yancheng District. There are several popular eateries for visitors to sample local delicacies. One highly recommended treat is the 50-year-old Almond Milk, which is located on Lainan Street. Local residents enjoy almond milk for breakfast or as a late evening snack. There are baked butter buns, which are also a popular delicacy. The buns are crispy on the outside and soft and buttery on the inside. There are also other eateries, which offer large bowls of dried noodles and other noodle soups. 

  Another attraction in close proximity is the Dagou Railway Museum. During the Japanese colornial period, trains would use the line to get to the harbor. However when industry boomed, the harbor line ceased to be used. The city government has revitalized the area and preserved part of the historic tracks. Pier-2 Art Center is also located nearby. It has a beautiful park which features public art installations. There are often art installations on show in the recently renovated warehouses.  

  Shoushan and Yancheng Districts offer visitors scenic views and the opportunity to stroll through history. Kaohsiung's sunsets are stunning and Shoushan's peaks offer a perfect place to watch it. While up on Shoushan, definitely include a trip to the Love Terrace and take in the beautiful views of the city. Then take a walk through Yancheng District to take in the recently developed   Pier-2 Art Center and the historic Dagou Railway Museum.



◎文/葉郁琪 ◎攝影/鮑忠暉





高雄港與市區景致 Panoramic views of Kaohsiung city and port from Shoushan


