



Wang Min─liang’s Sunshine Siaolin Bakery / 「日光小林」麵包 王民亮的勇氣故事

Wang Min-liang's Sunshine Siaolin Bakery

◎English written by Peng Hsin-yi ◎Photo by Pao Chung-hui

 Mr. Wang Min-liang is one of Siaolin's few survivors of Typhoon Morakot. After the village was completely destroyed, people had to live in trailer homes provided by Shanlin District. Mr. Wang lost his parents and family home in the disaster. Although many decided to leave, Mr. Wang decided to return. The suddenness and cruelness of the disaster changed the way he thinks. He now believes he's not just living for himself or his immediate family but also for the well-being of his fellow villagers. With the desire to build on what was left of his village, he looked skyward and felt his parent's blessing.

 Mr. Wang explains that after the disaster, villagers became known as Sunny Siaoliners. This came about after a group of Japanese relief workers brought a bundle of sunflowers with other donations. For the survivors this was a symbol of hope and encouragement. It gave them the strength to gain courage and embrace their future.

 Mr. Wang's background is in food science and previously worked in a bakery. His former boss allowed him to use his recipes to open his own business. Mr. Wang stated a baking unite by training four of his fellow villagers. They named the business Sunshine Siaolin Bakery which produces thirteen different kinds of breads. At the Shanlin Farmer's Association, they sell approximately 120 to 150 pieces at 3 p.m. every day. Using the best ingredients, they produce the most aromatic, fresh and chewy bread. As word of mouth spread and his business bloomed, Sunshine Siaolin became a local favorite, usually selling out within minutes.
 Mr. Wang credits his crew for the bakery's impressive performance. He noticed that the more

they became focused and felt they had goals, the more confident they became.

 In July and August, the Sunshine Siaolin crew will receive training from Kaohsiung's most renowned bakeries Pasadena and Takao. These skills will assist Sunshine Siaolin as it continues to expand with future plans of establishing a permanent location and possibility a restaurant.

 Sunshine Siaolin is a seed of hope that has come out of a land of sorrows. Mr. Wang believes growing and transforming tragedy into hope wouldn't have been possible without the love and support of the other villagers.


◎文/侯雅婷 ◎攝影/鮑忠暉




 食品科系的求學背景,加以曾在麵包店工作的人脈,王民亮以前的老闆義氣相挺提供麵包製作配方,指導了4 位村民,和他們共同成立烘培組,每天製作13款麵包,120~150個「日光小林」麵包每天下午3點準時在杉林區農會上架,以新鮮原料製成的麵包,吃起來口感奇佳,甫上架即秒殺,「日光小林」麵包的好口碑就這麼迅速的傳開來。

