



Introducing Kaohsiung's 2009 World Games Logo / 2009高雄世界運動會標誌

◎By Ya-Ting Hou & Ping Yu ◎Photos by: Chung-Hui Pao


 The logo, which judges unanimously felt brought out the spirit of Kaohsiung's 2009 World Games, has finally been officially announced! On November 20th, the ceremony to present the award to the logo's designer was held in front of City Hall. Acting Mayor Yeh, the chairman of KOC (Kaohsiung Organizing Committee), Deputy Mayor Wen-long Zheng, the KOC Chief Executive Officer, Yi-Heng Chen and the Director-General of the Information Office, Shin-Szu Wang were all in attendance. Local designer Horng-Jer Lin was the winner of the logo competition. The design was named "Sunny and Energetic Kaohsiung" and was selected from more than 1600 competitors.

1622 submissions competing against each other

 The logo and image of the World Games 2009 Kaohsiung has become an important part of the KOC's planning process. Originally, the Information Office was to be in charge of the CIS project/logo competition. However, after careful consideration, the Information Office finally chose the Ming-Lung Yu Design Company to be responsible for the project.

 Since Kaohsiung has limited experience in hosting international events, the deadline for the logo was urgent, the KOC decided to develop a more locally themed symbol. Professional designers and design teams from around the country were invited to participate in the competition. Competitors were divided into two categories: amateur competitors and professional competitors. The Grand Prize was 400,000 NTD --- Taiwan's biggest award ever offered for a sports logo competition. From August 8th to September 15th, 1622 submissions qualified for the nationwide competition. In the professional division, five famous designers, including Stony Cheng, Shui-Wang Lin, Horng-Jer Lin, Leslie Chen and Ching-Wen Chen, submitted 3 pieces in order to participate in the competition.

 To create a level-playing field for all participants, the amateur competition was open to everyone and the evaluation of the designs were completely transparent. World renown adjudicators such as Shigeo Fukuda (designer of the logos for the Tokyo Olympics and the Nagano Winter Olympics), Hyun Kim (designer of the mascot for the Seoul Olympics), Richard Henderson (designer of the visual images for the Sydney Olympics), and various other experts from both business and academic fields. Adjudicators professionally appraised each design and were monitored by the International World Games Association (IWGA).

The grond prize goes to the local designer-Horng-Jer Lin

 Winner Horng-Jer Lin uses calligraphy and brilliant colors in his design while utilizing the Chinese character "Gao" (as in Kaohsiung). His underlying themes express Kaohsiung's harmony, friendship, energy and happiness. He also hopes it will illustrate Kaohsiung's eagerness to host and befriend delegations from around the world. The strokes of the character "gao" start with orange and end with blue representing Kaohsiung's sunshine and beautiful surrounding ocean. The character also contains images of athletics. Lin has been creating designs for 21 years and was very honored to have been selected to receive the award. He considered this his career's biggest success so far. He hopes the people of Kaohsiung will also share in the joy and the excitement of the World Games.

◎文/侯雅婷.俞萍 ◎攝影/鮑忠暉

 代表2009高雄世運精神的標誌出爐了 ,2009高雄世界運動會標誌設計發表會暨頒獎典禮於11月20日在市府舉辦,高雄市前代理市長暨財團法人2009世界運動會組織會(英文簡稱K.O.C.)董事長葉菊蘭 、鄭文隆副市長、新聞處長王時思及KOC 執行長陳以亨均出席此一盛會,向國人及全世界的友人正式宣佈。2009世運標誌設計經公開甄選,由高雄設計師林宏澤先生以「陽光之都、動感高雄」為主題的設計作品,獲得國際專業人士所組成的評審團一致青睞,自1千6百多件參賽作品中脫穎而出。



 為求公正客觀的原則,主辦單位除了舉辦公開的標誌設計競賽,以國際評審模式辦理決選,並引用國際規格,公開所有評審名單,邀請國際知名且深具國際大型運動賽會設計經驗的設計師擔任決審評審,像是曾擔任東京奧運和長野冬季奧運的設計師─日本的福田繁雄、漢城奧運吉祥物設計者─韓國的金炫、雪梨奧運視覺形象系統設計者Richard Henderson,結合國內專家學者財團法人台灣創意中心張光民執行長及高雄師範大學視覺設計系主任李億勳等人,以專業、嚴謹評選過程,決定最後的首獎作品,也獲得國際世界運動總會(IWGA)的高度認同。
