



Dongsha Marine National Park-Building the Pure Marine Paradise / 東沙環礁國家公園─構築純淨的海洋新樂園

◎Photo Courtesy:Marine Bureau, Ming-siou Jheng
◎By Jessica Lin 

東沙環礁國家公園   Taiwan's first Marine National Park, Dongsha Atoll National Park is going to be established in Kaohsiung.
 Known as the Pearl of the South China Sea, the Dongsha Atoll is a valuable ecological and national treasure because of its coral sediments which have developed through millions of years. In the waters nearby, numerous creatures live there and many historical remains can be found. Meanwhile, adjoining other Southeast Asian countries, Dongsha islands contain many marine resources which are worth protecting in every respect.
 Considering the deteriorating marine resources, the concept of building a Marine Reservation area has became a worldwide trend since this idea was first brought up in the World Conference of National Parks in 1962. Our neighboring countries, including Philippine, Indonesia and Malaysia have signed an agreement to set up an Ecological Reservation area in the Sulu-Sulawesi waters and to enforce strict protection and management over this area. Similar protection plans have also been launched by European, Latin American, Asian countries as well as Australia.
 During the fourth conference of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas of East Asia in 2003, participants recommended Taiwan's central under the authority of the Cijin District of Kaohsiung City. Therefore, the city government is planing to put up an Office and Visitors' Center to be the information point and operation base. At the same time, taking into account that most of the public might not be able to visit Dongsha Atoll Marine National Park personally, the Visitors' Center will also be in charge of the exhibition of Dongsha's marine resources as well as the promotion of public awareness in the hope that everyone will be able to experience the beauty of Dongsha Atoll.under the authority of the Cijin District of Kaohsiung City. Therefore, the city government is planing to put up an Office and Visitors' Center to be the information point and operation base. At the same time, taking into account that most of the public might not be able to visit Dongsha Atoll Marine National Park personally, the Visitors' Center will also be in charge of the exhibition of Dongsha's marine resources as well as the promotion of public awareness in the hope that everyone will be able to experience the beauty of Dongsha Atoll.

◎文/林昀熹 ◎圖片提供/海洋局.鄭明修
 由於海洋資源逐漸枯竭,設立海洋保護區的觀念,從1962年在世界國家公園大會(The World Conference of National Park)中被提出後,至今已成為世界潮流所趨。與我國鄰近的菲律賓、印尼與馬來西亞在2004年便共同簽署協定,將蘇露─蘇拉維西(Sulu-Sulawesi)海域劃成生態區域,實施嚴格保護管理;類似的海洋保護計畫在歐洲、中南美洲、亞洲、澳洲等地的許多國家也都積極進行中。