



A Visiting Team of Delegates From Brisbane Brisbane / 澳洲布里斯本市代表團訪問高雄

◎By Yi-wun
◎Photos by Chung-hui Pao

陳市長(右)歡迎布里斯本市長坎培爾紐曼來訪,布市與高市自1997年締結姐妹市友誼。This year marks the 10th anniversary of Kaohsiung and Brisbane becoming united as sister cities. It was thrilling to have a team of delegates, led by Brisbane Mayor - Cambell Newman, arrive in Kaohsiung on February the 6th for a 4-day visit.
 The Mayor of Kaohsiung City, Chu Chen, extended a sincere welcome to the delegates. During the meeting, Mayor Cambell congratulated Mayor Chen on being appointed as Mayor last December. He further pointed out that the purpose of this visit was to accelerate bilateral cultural and economic cooperation.  Furthermore, in order to solicit more business investment within these two cities, the Brisbane City Government and the Kaohsiung City Government co-organized an investment conference in Kaohsiung.
 Mayor Cambell remarked that over the past three years, Brisbane and Kaohsiung have formed a close relationship which could best be demonstrated by the former Acting Mayor Yeh visiting Brisbane in order to promote economic and cultural exchange. Mayor Cambell took the opportunity to invite Mayor Chen to attend the sixth Asian Pacific Summit this September in Brisbane.
 During this visit, the Brisbane delegates oversaw the waterfront This year marks the 10th anniversary of Kaohsiung and Brisbane becoming united as sister cities. It was thrilling to have a team of delegates, led by Brisbane Mayor - Cambell Newman, arrive in Kaohsiung on February the 6th for a 4-day visit.
 The Mayor of Kaohsiung City, Chu Chen, extended a sincere welcome to the delegates. During the meeting, Mayor Cambell congratulated Mayor Chen on being appointed as Mayor last December. He further pointed out that the purpose of this visit was to accelerate bilateral cultural and economic cooperation.  Furthermore, in order to solicit more business investment within these two cities, the Brisbane City Government and the Kaohsiung City Government co-organized an investment conference in Kaohsiung.
 Mayor Cambell remarked that over the past three years, Brisbane and Kaohsiung have formed a close relationship which could best be demonstrated by the former Acting Mayor Yeh visiting Brisbane in order to promote economic and cultural exchange. Mayor Cambell took the opportunity to invite Mayor Chen to attend the sixth Asian Pacific Summit this September in Brisbane.
 During this visit, the Brisbane delegates oversaw the waterfront


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  年是高雄市與布里斯本市締結姊妹市10週年,澳洲布里斯本市市長坎培爾紐曼(Campbell Newman) 於2月6日率團參訪本市,更顯得此行來台意義非凡。