



Take a Bike Ride along the Love River with A-Kuei/ 跟著阿桂騎單車
◎Written by Yun-si Lin ◎Photos by A-Kuei and Chung-hui Pao

跟著阿桂騎單車People can now enjoy the Love River in a whole new way. Kaohsiung City Government has created a new system of bike paths along Love River. These bike paths were built to promote environmental transportation and a feeling of community for cyclists. The bike paths begin at Lianchihtan(Lotus Pond)in the north and end at the of Love River in the south. The paths can be divided into five loops, each having distinct features and characteristics.
 A-Kuei is the founder of the Formosan Serow Biking Club. He feels the Love River Bike Paths perfectly connect uptown and downtown with Kaohsiung's waterfronts. The scenic bike paths also allow for great access to the city's cultural and historic spots.
 A-Kuei's favorite route is LOOP5. This route features many of Kaohsiung's scenic spots, for cyclists to enjoy. This loop begins at Jianguo Bridge and continues on to the Love Pier. A-Kuei likes this route because the path is wide, and the scenery is pretty. This route also features the Kaohsiung Music Center, the Museum of History, various coffee shops and the Kaohsiung Municipal Film Archive. The city also provides bike racks to lock up the bikes, so cyclists may stop in to visit the museums or other tourist spots along the way. Kaohsiung City Government has also designed the routes, so cyclists will have minimal stops and access to coffee shops. The bike paths are built out of colorful asphalt which is conducive to cycling. The bike path which crosses Wufu Road has been painted blue in order to ensure safety for the route.
 The 1260 meter, rebuilt the West Side Harbor Line Rail Bridge, adjoins the

Green Bike Path. This bike path leads to Pier-2 Art District and Fishman's Wharf. This picturesque route is lined with plants and flowers on both sides. Although this path is very scenic, A-Kuei reminds us "you have to be prepared to carry your bike down a ladder."

Cultural, Historical and Ecological Scenic Spots
 LOOP4 runs from the north end of Jianguo Bridge to Jhongdu Bridge. This route was widened, yet still follows the original sidewalk and bike path. Corners were filled and the bike tunnel renovated. A-Kuei feels this sidewalk is a little bumpier than the other bike paths. A-Kuei loves the Love River Wetland Park under the Jiouru Bridge. Emanating nature, this bike path wraps around the City's waterfront. 
 The next bike path runs from the Former Tangrong Brick Kiln to the east end of Zihyou Road to Sanmin Park and the Love River. Although it goes through the center of the city, the trees and river, makes it especially quiet and beautiful. This route also boasts a number of art and cultural sites, including The Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts and The

Hakkanese Cultural Museum. This bike path runs beside the "Heart of the Love River"-Ruyi Lake which is presently under construction. Located at the corner of Boai and Tongmeng Road, this spot will become a great look for watching the Love River tour boats sail up and down and will also be the heart of Kaohsiung's flood prevention project.
 The pedestrian overpass is a new addition and makes it much easier to traverse the river. This area is well lit and provides many bike racks to lock up the bikes. It has become a popular place for parents to come with their children.    

The Riverside Community and its Activity Area   
 This bike path runs from Boai Road, back to Tongmeng Road. Passing by the Tzu Chi building on Zihyou Road, Dashun Road, and Mingcheng Road, it ends at the Riverside Community. This community hosts a number of activities during the holidays. This route also provides great access to the nearby shopping malls, which provide a number of venues for dining and shopping. Dashun Road is lined with arbors and chrysanthemums. Bike racks are being added to this area and lighting has been increased along the path. Ride northward across Tiansiang Road, you will reach LOOP1. A-Kuei especially recommends the park which was built after the Love River was renovated. A-Kuei particularly likes its large area of luscious green foliage and the smooth cycling path. This area is extremely safe to cycle in and suitable for families. This bike path passes by the Bureau of Human Resource Development, Kaohsiung's Indigenous Plant Garden, and ends at Lianchihtan (Lotus Pond).     
 The loop emphasizes Lotus Pond. This project has boosted community services and tourism. This 24.5 km long Love River Bike Path, not only boasts a number of cultural spot but also provides a great work out.
 The Love River Bike Path is the one and only urban bike path system in Taiwan. A-Kuei feels these bike paths greatly increase cyclists' safety. It would also be appreciated if scooter and car drivers would respect cyclists' right-of-way and safety along the path. Cyclists are also reminded to be vigilant when going through intersections. The improvements will not only be beneficial for recreational cycling, but will also make it much more of a pleasure for commuters who choose to cycle to work and school.

About A-Kuei
Chou Meng-Kuei / Birthplace: Kaohsiung
Founder and leader of the Formosan Serow Biking Club
Publications: "The Routes Taiwan", "Biking Safari"

跟著阿桂騎單車 暢遊愛河自行車道
◎文/林昀熹 ◎攝影/周盟桂.鮑忠暉







 而從中都窯廠往東走向自由路的這一段自行車道,沿著帶狀的三民一號公園以及愛河前行,雖然跨越市區中心,卻在連綿綠樹和河流相伴中顯得格外清幽。沿途不但環境舒適,更有美術館、客家文物館等藝文重鎮;目前博愛路與同盟路交叉口正在進行「愛河之心如意湖」建造工程,完工後將成為愛河溯航的樞紐,也具有防洪與觀光的功能。 此段車道也新設了景觀人行步橋,便利橫越河岸,同時也全面補足並改善原有自行車道的照明、解說設施與停車點,更加提升騎乘自行車的品質,因此很多親子都會利用假日在此活動。

愛河自行車道系統路線圖 越過博愛路、回到同盟路的自行車道上,經自由路慈濟園區、大順路、明誠路,就會一路來到河堤社區,擁有三座光雕橋的河堤社區,假日有各種有趣的社區活動,附近還有購物商城,滿足餐飲、購物的需求;大順路沿途的優美喬木與黃花風鈴木,讓這段自行車旅程賞心悅目;全段沿途增設自行車停靠區、解說服務設施與夜間照明,讓大家都能安全地進行深度社區之旅。



