



2007 SportAccord / 2007世界運動年會
◎Text by Ya-ting Hou & Chia-hsing Chang ◎photos by Ya-ting Hou

During the IWGA annual meeting, the Chief Executive Officer, I-Heng Chen, presented the preparations of the 2009 World Games: the progress of sport venues, food, accommodation and sports programs.

This year, SportAccord, the annual international sports convention, took place at the Shangri-La Hotel in Beijing, China between April 24th and April 27th. The delegate of the 2009 World Games Kaohsiung Organizing Committee (KOC) took this opportunity to promote the 2009 World Games by building relationships and exchanging knowledge within the sports community. Led by the Chief Executive Officer, Dr. I-heng Chen, KOC participated and presented the latest developments regarding the preparation of the World Games through the IWGA annual meeting, the Coordinate Committee Meeting (CoCom) and the General Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF). Furthermore, KOC had a booth, along with the other 60 exhibitors.

During the IWGA annual meeting, Dr. Chen presented the preparations of the 2009 World Games: the progress of sport venues, food, accommodation and sports programs. For prospective athletes accommodation, KOC will choose from the hotels close to the 23 sports venues. As for the food, KOC will arrange a main distribution center to allocate the players food. For the sports program which will cover an eleven-day period, the KOC will divide the sports program into three separate sports periods of three days, four days and four days. In each of these three periods, a minimum of 1,600 athletes will compete against each other in order to maintain the maximum amount of entertainment value for spectators.

During the CoCom meeting, Dr. Chen and the delegation for the 2009 World Games, also presented the promotional schemes already undertaken and those planned for the future, as well as the proposed and media broadcast for the fourth coming games.

KOC had a booth at the Shangri-La Hotel in order to promote the games which provided a platform for the sports industry to exchange ideas. The main design theme featured by the stand was the introduction of the main stadium and Kaohsiung Arena for the 2009 World Games. There was a series of posters introducing different perspectives of the city of Kaohsiung and the country of Taiwan as a whole, such as food, recreation, culture, commerce and industry. The bright lighting and the eye-catching design of the stand successfully attracted much attention from many distinguished guests including the President of IWGA, Ron Froehlich. The lighting which illuminated a floor map of Taiwan and the surrounding area, created a ripple effect resembling the sea, this was designed to highlight the geographic location of Kaohsiung within Taiwan. Some agencies visited the stand to seek the possibilities of their further participation in the 2009 World Games in regard to the media broadcasting. Undoubtedly, the 2009 Kaohsiung World Games has gained more attention in the international sports community.

The Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Chen, delivered his speech in the GAISF meeting on April 27th. Dr. Chen first stated that he represented the Deputy Mayor of Kaohsiung City, Wen-lon Cheng, who was unable to attend the GAISF meeting in person. Afterwards, Dr. Chen expressed his gratitude to the IWGA President, Ron Froehlich, for his staunch support of the 2009 World Games. He further emphasized Kaohsiung's devotion to the global athletic community, and its willingness to connect the world through sportsmanship. Dr. Chen gave his assurance that Kaohsiung will be well prepared to host the 2009 World Games. Also, on behalf of the Mayor of Kaohsiung, Chu Chen, Dr. Chen invited everyone to come to Kaohsiung on July 16th, 2009, for the games.

◎文/侯雅婷.張家興 ◎攝影/侯雅婷

KOC had a booth at the Shangri-La Hotel in order to promote the games, which provided a platform for the sports industry to exchange ideas.2007SportAccord世界運動年會從4月24日到4月27日在中國北京隆重登場,高雄2009世界運動會組織委員會(KOC)由執行長陳以亨率團,參與這個一年一度的國際體壇盛會。這個代表團除了在IWGA年會、CoCom會議以及國際單項運動總會年會(GAISF)中進行專案報告之外,也在北京香格里拉飯店的大會現場設攤,與國際體壇人士互相交流資訊與經驗,並藉此機會強力行銷2009高雄世運。
 在對27日GAISF年會的專案報告中,陳以亨首先對本市副市長鄭文隆因中國拒發簽證導致不克出席一事表示非常遺憾,並對IWGA主席Ron Froehlich的諒解與支持

世界運動會。陳以亨更藉此機會,強調本市正以穩健且有效率的步伐在籌辦2009世運會,同時重申本市將藉由舉辦2009世運會所累積的經驗,更積極爭取主辦各項國際賽事盛會;高雄市身為國際體育社團中的一份子,願意奉獻一己之力,以運動家精神來和國際社會串連。在聽完陳以亨簡報之後,IWGA主席Mr. Ron Froehlich大力稱許高雄市動員國內5家電視台聯合製播2009世運賽事,讓國際體壇人士充份感受到辦好2009世運的決心及能力。
 另外,由高雄2009世運組委會在香格里拉飯店運動年會現場設攤,係針對世運主場館、現代化綜合體育館、都會、海洋、文化、美味、娛樂的高雄及美麗與科技的台灣為主題進行設計,明亮的燈光、搶眼的設計,讓前往參觀的IWGA主席Ron Froehlich及與會的貴賓連連稱讚。展場地板則以藍色海洋波紋為底,巧妙地結合世界地圖,呈現高雄的全球地理位置,同時吸引多家媒體前往採訪;此外,也有不少的代理商前往攤位,洽談2009世運電視轉播相關事宜,足見2009高雄世運已逐漸在國際體壇展露頭角。