



Celebrating Lujhu's Fabulous Agricultural Products/雄青ㄟ滴家 2012路竹番茄文化節


   Celebrating Lujhu's Fabulous Agricultural Products

    ◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi

    ◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui


路竹出產數十種番茄。 Dozens of varieties of tomatoes are grown in the region.      Lujhu is one of Kaohsiung's most productive agricultural areas. Lujhu is one of Taiwan's biggest cauliflower, broccoli and tomato producers. Agricultural farmland spans more than 350 hectares and is renowned for its quality produce. The region's tomatoes are particularly famous.

      Lujhu's tomato season peaks between November and April. Dozens of varieties of tomatoes are grown in the region and come in a plethora of colors and sizes. Tomatoes are rated by color, flavor, shape, texture and appearance. Lujhu's tomatoes consistently receive 90% or higher on their quality. Tomatoes are best cultivated in areas where soil contains a higher level of salt. In Lujhu, tomatoes have become so popular, and they have inspired an annual festival. The 2012 Tomato Festival will be held on December 8th and 9th at Lujhu's Sports Park.

      Currently, Lujhu is refining and modernizing their processes and experimenting with organic farming. The Lujhu Fruit and Vegetable Association's Ninthe Division has twelve members and is headed up by Mr. Li Ching-tang. The division has become renowned for the cultivation of quality produce.

路竹高品質的白色及綠色花椰菜。Lujhu's quality cauliflower and broccoli.      Mr. Li explains one of his goals is to persuade farmers to convert to organic farming. He provides them with education and growing techniques. Organic farming eliminates the use of pesticides and herbicides. "It is difficult to find safe methods to get rid of pests", admits Mr. Li. "We cultivate tomatoes to become naturally resistant to pests. We introduce natural predators or replace chemicals with macrobiotic formulas." Crops are also protected by paper bags, insect lamps and traps. Organic farming is not only healthier for the consumer but also for the land. However, he also understands change takes a great deal of time and patience.

      All of Lujhu's agricultural products boast extraordinary health benefits. Tomatoes are great flavor enhancers and loaded with vitamins A, B1, B2, and C. They are also filled with potassium, iron, zinc, dietary fiber and citric acid. They burn body fat, increase vitality and assist in iron absorption. Lycopene makes it a particularly popular due to its anti-aging properties.

      Over 100 tons of cauliflower and broccoli are processed every day in Lujhu. These vegetables are rich in vitamins A and C, dietary fibers, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, iron and zinc. They provide health benefits such as detoxification and scurvy prevention. They boost the immune system and strengthen myocardium and muscle. They are also popular as they prevent blood pressure problems.


   雄青ㄟ滴家 2012路竹番茄文化節




路竹番茄文化節於12月8日至9日登場。 (照片提供/路竹區公所) 2012 Lujhu Tomato Festive will kick off on Dec. 8th and 9th.(Photo courtesy of Lujhu District Office)      "雄青ㄟ”農特產哪裡找?高雄市路竹區滿足您對新鮮的渴望!位於嘉南平原南部的路竹區,屬於嘉南地區隆起海岸平原,農特產十分豐富,不僅番茄種植面積達100多公頃,花椰菜更達250公頃以上,「2012路竹番茄文化節 」12月8、9日於路竹體育園區登場,等您嚐鮮。



路竹發展有機栽培。Lujhu's developing organic agriculture.      花椰菜是路竹最大宗農產品,種植面積亦是最廣,目前達250公頃以上,包含白色花椰菜與俗稱「青花菜」的綠色花椰菜,產期每日供貨量近一百公噸,居全台之冠。

路竹花椰菜的種植面積超過250公頃。Lujhu boasts more than 250 hectares of cauliflower and broccoli farmland.      花椰菜營養豐富,含維生素A、纖維質、鉀、鎂、鈣、磷、鐵、鋅等,尤其維生素C、鉀、硫代胡蘿蔔素之含量極高,位居同類蔬菜之首,能強肝解毒、防止壞血病、提高機體免疫力、調節心臟及肌肉活動性、防止高血壓等。

