



Susan and Cameron Embracing a new life in Kaohsiung / Susan Hall 和 Cameron Hall 擁抱高雄新生活

Susan and Cameron
Embracing a new life in Kaohsiung

◎Text by Emily Lin ◎photo by Ya-Ting Hou

 Australians Susan and Cameron Hall is a couple that has been working at I-Shou International School for a month. Susan teaches biology and is the director of the International Secondary School. Cameron teaches mathematics and is the executive consultant for the school. The couple previously worked in Tianjin, China for 8 years and is very familiar with Asian culture.

 Cameron felt it was time to learn something new, so they decided to leave Tianjin City. Their daughter was also preparing go to college in Australia and wasn't really looking forward to the change. As her parents, Susan and Cameron decided to support their daughter by demonstrating that transitions are sometimes inevitable. Although their transitions were different, Susan and Cameron wanted to remind their daughter, learning is something that continues throughout one's whole life. They encourage their children to be international, open minded, embrace challenges, expose themselves to new cultures and always be interested in learning.

 Susan remembered when they came to consider if they wanted to move to Kaohsiung, she immediately felt comfortable here. After they visited the school, she decided this was it. Susan felt the people of Kaohsiung were very welcoming and helpful. Cameron describes their first month in Kaohsiung as a lot of work. Besides their jobs, they also had to furnish their whole house. Although they have not had much chance to go sightseeing, they did visit Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts. Cameron was especially interested in the Calligraphy by Yang-Tze Tong. He was particularly captivated by one of the large pieces of calligraphy and stood admiring it for 20 minutes. Susan likes to make new friends, particularly at the traditional market. Susan and Cameron can't wait to learn more about Kaohsiung and make some more friends.    

Susan Hall 和 Cameron Hall


 來自澳洲墨爾本的夫妻檔Susan Hall和Cameron Hall任教於義大國際中小學,Susan教授生物同時兼任國際部主任,Cameron教授數學同時擔任執行顧問一職。儘管來到高雄只有1個月的時間,但之前因為工作關係,在中國天津居住了8年之久,對亞洲文化很熟悉。

 Cameron表示,當初決定離開天津時,他告訴自己,該是向前繼續學習不同事物的時候了。他們搬離天津還有另一個感人的原因,是他們的女兒即將回澳洲唸大學,對於突來的改變她感到有些害怕和遲疑,於是為人父母的Susan 和Cameron也以轉換環境表達對女兒的支持,藉著搬到高雄展開全新生活的方式,讓他們的女兒了解到改變是好的,而且是必要的。儘管他們在環境上的改變並不完全相同,但夫妻倆希望實踐的信念是:學習是一輩子的事。也因此,以身教的方式教導孩子具備國際觀,鼓勵孩子擁有開放的心胸,勇於接受挑戰,接觸新文化以及永遠對於學習感興趣。



A "Polar Bear" Who Lives in a Subtropical Summer and Comes to Love the Local Culture
Meeting Bill Jackson

◎Text by Hsin-Yi Peng ◎Photo by Chung-Hui Pao

 Bill Jackson is a native of Canada; he has been in Kaohsiung for 7 years now. During the day, he teaches at Kaohsiung Dominican International School, in the evening he works at Grand Hi-Lai Hotel as Assistant VIP Service Manager. He works two jobs but he always shows upbeat energy when he faces the hotel guests. Bill says he loves meeting new friends, and his two jobs allow him to meet people at different ages and social groups which he considers a fun experience. After work, Bill usually enjoys a slow walk home. It takes him about 50 minutes, but he says it is too hot during the day, so walking at night is actually perfect.

 When Bill recalled the days when he first arrived in Kaohsiung, he remembered that he had a hard time dealing with the scorching heat. He said he felt like a polar bear that suddenly had to live in a subtropical summer. Fortunately, he had a cool roommate -A-chi -who helped him settled down in Kaohsiung. Bill says Kaohsiung is like a populous rural city. It has the hustle and bustle of a metropolis, but its people are very unassuming and down-to-earth. Bill says his impressions of people in Kaohsiung are that they are very open-minded, very generous, and are never hesitant to share.

 In his work at the hotel, Bill faces different guests every day, answering all kinds of questions from where to get a haircut to where to find some fun. After a while, he became a walking local directory. Bill says foreign tourists are usually not interested in shopping centers and places like that; they wanted to be close to where people live their everyday lives, such as the fish market, traditional markets, or temples. In fact, Bill also thinks these are the places where Kaohsiung is most charming. He suggests that the fish markets and traditional markets should put up some simple English signs to make local culture more accessible to foreign tourists.

 Bill said he really didn't feel any cultural conflict when he first arrived, but as he stays on, he became more aware of it. For example, he had to take "Feng-Shui" into consideration in his recent move. From his point of view, some of the Feng-Shui rules actually make scientific sense and for things that he doesn't understand, he just takes it as part of the culture experience. Coming from his personal experience, Bill has a few words of advice for foreigners who have plans to stay in Kaohsiung for an extended period time: try new things, invest more time, and get to know more friends. New friends can help you broaden your horizon. Oh, and drive carefully.


從夏日街頭的北極熊 到享受道地文化
認識Bill Jackson

◎文/侯雅婷 ◎攝影/鮑忠暉

 加拿大籍的Bill Jackson來高雄7年,白天在高雄道明外橋學校教書,晚上則擔任漢來大飯店客服部禮賓接待副理。身兼兩份工作,卻總精神奕奕地服務飯店房客。Bill說,他喜歡認識新朋友,而他的2份工作,正好能讓他接觸到不同年齡層和不同族群的人,因此Bill樂在工作。下班後,Bill喜歡慢慢地「走路」回家,回家的路程大約要50分鐘;他說,白天太熱了,晚上走路剛剛好。


