



Zong-Yi Tsai Returns athlete to The World Games venue on Scooter / 從蔡宗益騎著機車載著選手…讓世界看見高雄

Zong-Yi Tsai Returns athlete to The World Games venue on Scooter

◎Text by Hsin-Yi Peng ◎Photos by Chia-Tse Kao and Ding-Hong Hung

 Mr. Zong-yi Tsai never imagined he and his little scooter would draw so much attention during the World Games 2009. On July 23rd, French parachutist Vincent Reffet drifted off course, landing over 1 kilometer away from the Metropolitan Park, Air Sports venue. Mr. Reffet's off course landing in a small in a park, near National Kaohsiung Marine University was spotted by street vendor Zong-yi Tsai. After about three minutes, Mr. Tsai figured no one from the games would be coming to rescue "the man who had come from the sky". Mr. Tsai then approached Mr. Reffet and gestured to him that he would take him back to the venue on his little scooter. Mr. Tsai knew a number of short cuts, taking him only three minutes to return the athlete. It was because of Mr. Tsai's assistance; Mr. Reffet was able to return for the Freeflying event, winning him the gold. The story of Mr. Tsai's special delivery of French athlete Vincent Reffet on a scooter even made the New York Times. His heart-warming, good deed, gave people on the other side of the world a glimpse of the friendliness and enthusiasm of the people in Taiwan.

 Mr. Tsai was interviewed at a World Games press conference. He explained that since it was Taiwan's first time to host the World Games, he wanted to make sure everything went smoothly. During the press conference, President of the International World Games Association (IWGA), Ron Froehlich, also praised the friendliness and warmth of the Taiwanese people. He added how impressed he was with the dedication of the volunteer workers. He was also pleasantly surprised at the enthusiasm of the local people.

 Mayor Chu Chen credited the success of the World Games 2009 to Kaohsiung's residents and the people of Taiwan. Mayor Chen was appreciative of President Ron Froehlich's praise. The World Games 2009 also received a great deal of positive acknowledgement from honorable guests and athletes from around the world. The mayor attributed this to the dedication of the local people, volunteers and everyone who had participated in the process. She was very pleased the World Games 2009 had been carried out so smoothly.

   The World Games 2009 was Taiwan's first opportunity to host a major international multi-sports event. From July 16th to July 26th, Kaohsiung hosted 5000 athletes from 103 countries. International coaches, referees and tourists gathered in Kaohsiung, grossing the city over 200 billion NT. Kaohsiung's international image and visibility was also boosted. Kaohsiung continues to strive to transform the city's image. The enthusiasm and friendship of the residents certainly contribute to this on going progress. During the World Games, 639 news correspondents from 28 countries came to cover the event. This media coverage brought Kaohsiung's beauty and passion to people around the world. The World Games 2009, highlighted Kaohsiung's potential to be regarded as a tourist hotspot.



◎文/侯雅婷 ◎攝影/高嘉澤.洪定宏


 時間回溯到7月23日,高雄市正如火如荼地進行世運賽事,在飛行運動比賽場地─都會公園,法國籍的選手瑞菲特(Vincent Reffet)一跳之差,降落在距離會場1公里外高雄海洋科技大學旁的公園,這時,在一旁擺攤的蔡宗益觀察了3分鐘,發現了並沒有工作人員來將這位「從天而降」的選手接走,蔡宗益走向前,比手畫腳的跟Vincent溝通說要騎機車載他回到比賽現場,熟門熟路的蔡宗益抄捷徑,只花了3分鐘,就火速地把這位外國選手載回比賽現場,繼續比賽,稍後Vincent在「自由飛行」項目中拿下一面金牌,而蔡宗益騎機車載著法籍選手Vincent 的故事也因此登上了紐約時報。這個溫馨事蹟,讓全世界的人都感受到民眾的友善和熱情。

 蔡宗益先生獲邀出席世運例行記者會時表示,舉辦世運是台灣的第一次,絕對不能漏氣。IWGA主席朗佛契(Ron Froehlich)在會中稱讚台灣人的友善和熱情,不僅志工奉獻心力,更難得的是民眾也很主動幫助選手,這讓他非常的驚訝。



蔡宗益騎著機車載著法籍選手Vincent Reffet的故事登上了紐約時報。
The story of Mr. Tsai helping French parachutist Vincent Reffet return to the venue on a scooter even made the New York Times.

Hosting The World Games 2009 Kaohsiung presented Kaohsiung's beauty and passion to people around the world.