



Timothy Higgs' shows love for Kaohsiung through Environmental Action/用行動愛高雄 Timothy Higgs;Bringing Vietnamese Culture to Kaohsiung A profile of Chen Lin-Feng/傳承越南文化 「越範團」陳琳鳳

Timothy Higgs' shows love for Kaohsiung through Environmental Action
◎English written by Peng Hsin-yi
◎Photo courtesy of Timothy Higgs

 Timothy Higgs had a hard time adjusting to life in Taiwan when he first arrived. He was sick for most of his first year and suffered one cold after another. He decided not to give up and gave Kaohsiung another chance. "Have you heard of the Pareto principle? It's the 80-20 rule", he explains. "Approximately 80% of the effect comes from 20% of the cause." He is the type of person that always seeks out solutions to life's problems. "Taking action" makes him feel alive, gives his life purpose and makes him feel good!
 "There are more parks, bike lanes and a Rapid Transit system. Kaohsiung has certainly become greener." Timothy commented. However, he feels people in Kaohsiung do not make environmental protection a priority or serious issue. Timothy began the "Greenhead" movement at the Kaohsiung Municipal Girl's Senior High School with the help of some teachers and students. To his disappointment however, the movement didn't maintain momentum due to the language barrier and constant turnover of teachers and students. His new project is called "Organic Gardening". He co-chairs this with Ms. Li Wenli, a teacher at the Girls' School. Their project features an organic garden of plants that are grown without the assistance of chemicals. Timothy also assists with the website KHH Enviros, a group of environmentally minded friends that meet regularly, publish an e-newsletter and host beach activities. Their website has become popular with the online community.
 Timothy has been living in Kaohsiung for two and a half years. He absolutely loves the wonderful weather in Kaohsiung and feels it is a very friendly and relaxed place. Timothy usually cooks for himself, but likes Taiwanese-style breakfasts and hotpot. On his off days, he usually spends time in CiJin or Sizihwan Bay and does water sports.
 Timothy believes that with a cause and effect philosophy and a positive attitude, he will attract more like-minded people who he can work with to make Kaohsiung better place. "After all, everyone lives on the same land and breaths the same air". The Canadian native has demonstrated his love for Kaohsiung through environmental action. He feels it was a positive decision to stay in Kaohsiung that has brought about endless possibilities.

用行動愛高雄 Timothy Higgs
◎照片提供/Timothy Higgs

 剛到台灣,就因為水土不服而整整感冒了一年的Timothy Higgs,因為不想留下遺憾,決定繼續留在高雄,看看能與高雄擦出什麼樣美麗的火花?
 「你聽過80/20的法則嗎?」Timothy 解釋,依據這個法則,世界上百分之20 的人負擔另外百分之80的人該做的事情,Timothy相信自己是屬於那百分之20,當他發現問題時,他會設法解決問題,「採取行動」讓他的生命充滿了使命感,感覺很好!
 Timothy表示,高雄有越來越多的綠地、公園、自行車道乃至捷運,但他認為高雄人仍然沒有將環保這件事視為生活的一部份,也因此,Timothy 和高雄女中的老師、同學們一同發起「greenhead 」運動,提倡環保,雖然因為語言的隔閡與成員更替等問題而逐漸式微,令他感到可惜,但現階段Timothy除了和高雄女中的李旻儷老師發起「organic gardening」有機農場活動,強調藉由選擇適合的植物,不用化學藥劑,讓植物自然地生長。Timothy也和其他外國朋友組成khh enviros的網站,發行電子期刊以及發起海灘活動等,獲得網友熱烈迴響。Timothy深信付出就能使事情變好以及正確的態度是深具影響力希望吸引更多人一起為打造更美好的高雄而努力,畢竟,住在這片土地上的人呼吸著一樣的空氣。


Bringing Vietnamese Culture to Kaohsiung

A profile of Chen Lin-Feng

◎English written by Lin Yi-chun

◎Photo by Yang Chan-hua


 Chen Lin-feng recalls when she first moved Taiwan she especially missed Vietnamese food. Her favorite food was sweet and sour, green mangos dipped in sugar and fish sauce (a unique seasoning of Vietnam). She would often dream of eating the food and feel frustrated if her dreams were interrupted. This was a certain sign of homesickness. Ling-feng moved to Taiwan eleven years ago after marrying into a Taiwanese family. Even though she has been living in Taiwan for so long she still craves Vietnamese food. She admits she likes stinky tofu, especially the pickles and dip that accompany it. She describes its taste similar to Vietnamese fish sauce. Her favorite Taiwanese food is eels and noodles, which have the same sweet and sour flavor of her homeland.

 Lin-feng is a really cheerful and studious person. She enjoys taking various classes and is always working on improving herself. Recently she completed a junior high school academic certificate and enthusiastically moved on to high school. In her free time she attends self improvement classes for multicultural immigrants.

 Lin-feng has also enjoyed a remarkable career. She works as an interpreter for Vietnamese laborers and spouses and teaches Vietnamese to children of mixed families. When she first got a job, Lin-feng says it took her husband a while to accept the fact she was going to go to work. Finally, he understood it would broaden her social network and personal development. Lin-feng also serves as vice president of the Kaohsiung Overseas Vietnamese Sisterhood Association. She feels immigrants today are luckier than when she first came to Taiwan. The government now sponsors a variety of classes and resources for them. She encourages immigrants to take advantage of these opportunities. With fellow Vietnamese immigrants, Lin-feng also formed the Vietnamese Cultural Club. They teach children Vietnamese songs and traditional dances. The children have received rave reviews for their performances and have been invited to perform for the Immigration Agency in Taipei.

 She develops her own teaching materials and promotes Vietnamese language and culture. Lin-feng hopes she can contribute to a greater understanding of Vietnamese culture in Kaohsiung.









 好學的琳鳳不斷地自我充實,進修不同類型的課程,才剛取得國中畢業文憑 ,馬上興致勃勃地要往下個階段再邁進空閒時,也儘可能地參與各種有關新移民適應班或多元文化等課程。

