



Country Style Chicken Courtyard's Signature Dish Sticky Rice Pilaf with Chicken in Ginger Sesame Oil Dressing/田野香雞庭園 古早味麻油雞米糕


Country Style Chicken Courtyard's Signature Dish

Sticky Rice Pilaf with Chicken in Ginger Sesame Oil Dressing

◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi ◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui


  In Kaohsiung City's Alian District, the most popular restaurant is not one with a fancy menu or a celebrity chef. "Country Style Chicken Courtyard" is as straightforward as its name. It serves authentic Taiwanese home-cooking just like the older generation used to make. "People who've been everywhere in the world fly in for it," says owner and chef, Ms. Li Mei-lian.

麻油雞米糕 Sticky rice pilaf with chicken in ginger sesame Oil dressing  Ms. Li's signature dish is the Sticky Rice Pilaf with Chicken in Ginger Sesame Oil Dressing. For Taiwanese people, it's the ultimate comfort food, deeply embedded in their memories. Consisting of perfectly cooked sticky rice saturated with rich chicken broth, it exudes a mouth-watering fragrance of sesame oil and ginger. Ms. Li has perfected her art over the years: She uses a very specific brand of sesame oil that's rich in fragrance but light in color so the pilaf doesn't turn dark brown. The dried shiitake mushrooms, from Puli in central Taiwan, are button-sized delicacies which don't need to be sliced. They look cute, and are just the right size to be eaten in a single bite.

  Ms. Li uses cage-free chickens more than six months old. Kept initially on a contracted chicken farm for three or four months, Ms. Li then moves them to her own coop where she feeds them with corn and grain to make them leaner. For the final month, the chickens roam free in her yard, resulting in a superior flavor. The dish isn't complete without ginger, and Ms. Li has a neat trick: rather than cut the ginger into thin slices, she dices it so it's easier to toss in the wok and cooks more evenly.

製作麻油雞米糕時,香氣四溢。 A wonderful smell floods the entire room when this dish is made  Ms. Li has been making this dish on a daily basis for over 10 years, and there's a rhythm to her movements as she pours sesame oil into the wok, throws in the diced ginger, then adds the mushrooms, followed by chunks of chicken, sticky rice, and a generous amount of rice wine. If you stand and watch, the wonderful smell not only stimulates your appetite, but also evokes a sense of well-being.

  The rice turns translucent as it absorbs the liquid, glistening as each grain is coated with sesame oil. But that's just the beginning. At this stage, Ms. Li scoops up the mixture and puts it into a steam basket. It's then placed inside an electronic rice cooker for about two hours to ensure everything is cooked through. Even then, the process is not quite complete. The final touch is just as important: Ms. Li stirs the finished product gently so the whole batch is mixed well, and the texture and flavor blends evenly throughout.

  The charm of the pilaf is in its subtlety. The fragrances of sesame and chicken complement each other. The scent is a perfect prelude to the flavorful mushroom and chicken. Zesty ginger hangs in the background, making each and every bite as satisfying as can be. Ms. Li's pilaf is wonderfully plump rice, fully flavored with chicken, sesame oil and ginger, yet still retaining a toothy texture. This dish was originally a winter staple, but here it's on the menu year-round because of demand. People don't allow something as trifling as summer heat to stop them from feasting on food which feeds both heart and soul.

  Another favorite in Ms. Li's restaurant is rustic roasted chicken. Free-range chickens are hung on iron hooks, lowered into a barrel-shaped kiln made of date wood and roasted for one hour. The result is a golden bird with crispy skin and juicy meat. It's finger-licking good!

Country Style Chicken Courtyard

  TEL: 07-6332112
  Address: No.78-20, Fu-an Village, Alian Dist., Kaohsiung City    




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