



A busy but fascinating life in Kaohsiung - AIT, Kaohsiung Branch Office Chief,Robert W. Forden / 忙碌卻自在有趣的高雄生活--美國在台協會高雄分會處處長傅德恩

美國在台協會高雄分會處處長傅德恩  If you see a western man jogging along the banks of Love River on a bright, sunny morning, take a second look, as it could well be Mr. Forden from the American Institute in Taiwan (A.I.T.), Kaohsiung Branch Office.
  Mr. Forden has been working as chief of the A.I.T. for two years and says that Kaohsiung has definitely changed a lot within that time. His favourite spot in Kaohsiung is Love River, where he frequently goes jogging. He especially likes the atmosphere in the mornings, as the riverbanks are busy with people exercising.
  Mr. Forden feels that Kaohsiung is a very energetic city, which has changed in the time he has been here, but also continues to change rapidly.

He admits that it's not uncommon to see several different shops built and replaced on the one block of land within the space of a month. Rather than exploring Kaohsiung by car, Mr. Forden thinks the best way to see this interesting city is by foot - "despite the complaints from my family", he laughs.
Promoting and exchanging between Taiwan and U.S.A. with enthusiasm
  The main goal of the A.I.T. is to improve the understanding between Taiwan and the U.S.A, thus providing the opportunity for the two countries to cooperatively work together.
  In the past, A.I.T. worked together with National Sun Yat-sen University in sponsoring and also contributing the textbooks for the course - "Introduction to the United States of America". Furthermore, A.I.T. also sponsored many other projects with a range of universities, colleges, institutions, and government organisations. The sponsoring of projects includes recommending, planning, offering assistance in any necessary activities, or simply providing related information. Sponsoring projects such as those mentioned above enables A.I.T. to facilitate the exchange of culture and education between the United States and Taiwan.
  In addition to the previously mentioned activities, A.I.T. also conveys media information about the U.S.A to Taiwan, and likewise sends Taiwanese political and economic news back to America. This exchange of media information allows American individuals as well as enterprises to learn more about Taiwan (especially southern Taiwan), to ultimately improve Taiwanese-American enterprise.
Free and fascinating life in Kaohsiung
  Due to the nature of Mr. Forden's high position in the company, it means that he is on call almost twenty-four hours a day. However, in the times when he's not working, he enjoys exercising, reading, going to the night markets, or going to the beach. Going to the night markets is a regular weekend activity for Mr. Forden and his children, and being born in Southern California, means that Mr. Forden loves being close to the water, making places like Sizihwan and Kenting favourite spots in the Forden family. Mr. Forden and his family have also travelled around Taiwan three or four times and they are impressed and attracted by the east coast.
  When friends from America come to visit Mr. Forden in Kaohsiung, he admits that a trip to the night markets is a must. Mr. Forden thinks sunny days in Kaohsiung are very beautiful, and therefore, won't pass up the opportunity to take friends to the former British Consulate to enjoy the ocean scenery and the view of the boats on the harbour. Visiting the lighthouses of Kaohsiung and also the 85-storied skyscraper are also highly recommended sights in Mr. Forden's opinion.
  Mr. Forden's children have travelled regularly and also lived in many different countries, and have proved to have no trouble adapting to their new environments. Rather than judging countries on their differences, instead they enjoy the experience of learning about different cultures. Mr. Forden is very happy about this and thinks that growing up in different environments allows children to have a broader view of the world.
  On the whole, Mr. Forden is at ease and comfortable with the lifestyle of Kaohsiung, and remember; next time you visit Love River, say hi to Mr. Forden in either English or Chinese.

  氣晴朗的早晨,如果你在愛河邊看見一位正在慢跑的外國朋友與你擦身而過,那很可能就是美國在台協會高雄分處的處長傅德恩(Mr. Forden)!