



Mi-Pao Dragon Fruit Goes International / 驚豔國際市場 蜜寶紅龍果


Mi-Pao Dragon Fruit Goes International

◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi
◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui, Hou Ya-ting

 Mr. Shu Ren-de is a fruit farmer who specializes in dragon fruit. When he first began growing the fruit, he mixed approximately eighteen Latin American varieties to come up with the best prototype. Through years of research and experimentation, he has developed his "Mi-Pao" brand, which not only tastes great but can also be shipped further. Most dragon fruits have a tangy flavor with a grassy aftertaste. Another specialty is the color of the fruit itself. Usually dragon fruit is white; however, Mr. Shu's dragon fruit is bright magenta. It also maintains its sweet flavor longer and has a delicious aroma. The dragon fruit is Mr. Shu's pride and joy, and he hopes its economic value will continue to expand.

 Dragon fruits are rich in vitamin C, phosphor, calcium and fiber. Mi-Pao can grow up to one kilo (a little over two pounds). They also grow incredibly fast and yield up to two harvests per month. With a short growth period and disbursed harvest schedule, financial risk for farmers can be significantly reduced. The plant can live from 10 to 20 years, so the long term return is extremely high. Mr. Shu's dragon fruit is also organic, with no chemical treatments. He manually removes weeds and only when it is truly necessary. The weeds are also left to decompose and become additional organic nourishment for the fruit plants. There is always plenty of space left between each plant to allow maximum ventilation, reduce humidity and prevent fungus growth.

 Mr. Shu's dragon fruit has gained a tremendous reputation. The fruit can travel twenty days at sea and still arrive blemish free with refreshing, fragrant juice. This has also created greater opportunities in the international market. Earlier this year, the Governor of China's Guizhou Provence came on an official trip. During his visit he specifically requested to see Mr. Shu's orchard in Cishan. Mr. Shu didn't mind sharing his secrets and knowledge with him. Mr. Shu has also recently provided training in Penghu, assisting orchards specializing in organic dragon fruits. Dragon fruit has become known as "super fruit" in the overseas market. Buyers have come from China, Hong Kong, Canada and Singapore. Mr. Shu is completely backed up with orders and traders come from all over the world to meet with him and secure their shipments. Mr. Shu believes the secret to his success, is to know the market niche and create a product that suits that demand. He also implements strict quality control and maintains a great brand image.

 Mr. Shu is excited at the prospects which individual fruit farmers now have in establishing quality products and brand image. However, in order to achieve international market dominance, farmers need help from the government. With government assistance, farmers could work together, to develop a district that grows dragon fruits specifically for international export. He hopes by sharing his exclusive rights, his finely cultivated fruit can become an international household name. Mr. Shu is brimming with confidence in the quality of his fruit and believes it will equal that of New Zealand kiwis. He will continue to improve his product and make sure Taiwan takes the lead in dragon fruit cultivation, sales and brand image. He hopes that with the right marketing strategy, Taiwan's dragon fruit will become world famous.


驚豔國際市場 蜜寶紅龍果

◎文/侯雅婷 ◎攝影/鮑忠暉、侯雅婷


 紅龍果含豐富的維他命C、磷、鈣以及膳食纖維,在國外享有超級水果(super fruit)的美名。由許仁德培育的「蜜寶紅龍果」外型圓潤重達1公斤,除了亮澤的桃紅色外皮、飽滿的桃紅色果肉非常吸睛外,紅龍果風味濃郁,吃完後齒頰留香且無一般品種的草腥味,成功外銷中國、香港、加拿大及新加坡,現階段產量供不應求,受歡迎的程度讓貿易商親自登門等貨。清楚的市場定位,培育適合出口的品種,加以嚴格控管的品質,許仁德成功打造「蜜寶」紅龍果品牌。


