



Kaohsiung to Host Asia Pacific Cities Summit 2013 / 高雄舉辦2013亞太城市高峰會

Kaohsiung to Host Asia Pacific Cities Summit 2013

◎English translation: Lin Fang-ju
◎Photos by He Ching-lin, Cheng Pai-ling

 Kaohsiung will again find itself on the international stage as it hosts the 2013 Asia Pacific Cities Summit (APCS). This will be Kaohsiung's second international event, since the World Games 2009. As the host, Kaohsiung will be responsible for the summit's agenda. This will be Taiwan's largest international conference. In 1996 Brisbane, Australia launched the Asia Pacific Cities Summit. Now being held bi-annually, it promotes diplomatic relationships and information and technology exchanges between local governments in the Asia Pacific region.

 Brisbane's 2011 Asia Pacific Cities Summit was held in early July. Kaohsiung's Deputy Mayor Lee Yung-te led a delegation of local officials and representatives from Kaohsiung's leading industries. This provided Kaohsiung the opportunity to win the bid and host the summit in 2013. Kaohsiung defeated several cities including Kunming, China and Daejeon City, South Korea. The delegation's presentation clinched the deal and won Kaohsiung the honor.

 After the summit, Deputy Mayor Lee thanked the overseas Taiwanese community and Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Brisbane for their assistance. The summit will provide Kaohsiung the opportunity to interact with other cities to discuss economic and trading opportunities. This will also assist local industries, enhance Kaohsiung's international competitiveness and increase its image, reputation and visibility. Kaohsiung will certainly prevail as it embarks on this adventure and impresses its visitors.



◎文/葉娜慧 ◎攝影/何清林、鄭百玲

 高雄市繼成功主辦2009世界運動會後,將於2013年以「亞太城市高峰會」(Asia Pacific Cities Summit,簡稱APCS)主辦城市之姿躍上國際舞台。「亞太城市高峰會」主辦城市由於能主導議題,展現該城市優勢強項,為行銷城市意象非常重要的城市交流會議 ,屆時該高峰會將成為台灣歷來所舉辦最大型的國際城市交流會議。




 副市長李永得會後表示,感謝當地僑界人士及駐布里斯本辦事處的鼎力協助 ,主辦「亞太城市高峰會」除了可與各國進行城市交流、洽談經貿合作外,更重要的是能刺激高雄市會展產業及相關產值,提升高雄市國際競爭力,同時也為台灣提升國際地位及能見度,高雄市會做好各項準備工作,將「2013亞太城市高峰會」舉辦的有聲有色。


Kaohsiung City Raises Money for Earthquake Relief Fund

◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi
◎Photo by Lai,Hsiao-hua

 On August 18 - 20, Kaohsiung City's Deputy Mayor Chen Chiyi led a delegation to attend the agricultural expo in Tokyo's Shiodome District. This also gave Kaohsiung the opportunity to participate in a 311 Earthquake relief charity sale. They sold bananas from Cishan and flamingo lilies (anthurium) from Neimen. The flamingo lilies are a symbol of compassion and happiness. Kaohsiung hopes to extend its friendship and sympathy to the Japanese who suffered great loss in the Earthquake. The proceeds donated to the charity fund will go to help residents rebuild their homes.


赴日行銷 高市農特產

◎文/張嘉玲 ◎攝影/賴小華
