



Strolling in Kaohsiung by Smart Bus System / 智慧公車 悠遊大高雄 Easy Go Easy Travel

Convenient transportation
  For the bus commuters of Kaohsiung residents, people would notice that the Kaohsiung bus system has a much stronger function recently.
  The City Government is developing a bus information system to suit the commuters in order to provide a complete travel network intergrted. Further, it aims to build the best electronic travel information system in the nation. Hoping, with all those facilities, to allow the visitors to travel where and when they want.

Get online information on the Global Positioning System(GPS) and take the bus avery conveniently.
  Since last December, GPS was installed among 448 buses in Kaohsiung, which equips the city with electronic information among other cities in the nation. This travel information breakthrough has proclaimed that Kaohsiung has marched into the era of high tech. At present, it's just a phone call away to the automatic service phone number, and one would know when and where the bus is. High Tech certainly benefits to bus commuters.
  For the upcoming e-era, there will be 15 new buses joining the Intelligent Transportation System in order to trace, control and service the network and operation center. The bus commuters can simply log online to take control of bus schedules.

Your personal secretary- intelligent bus station
  All of the buses currently have undergone through this unstoppable e-transportation, yet traveler the information system, traffic control system, network system and operation system are still need more work. Twenty intelligent bus stations will be implement by the end of March. The passengers can get information regarding traffic conditions from the intelligent bus station. Another thoughtful design is that passengers would be able to find bus information at bus stations without using the internet.
  Next time, if you see a intelligent bus station around Urban Spotlight, Kaohsiung History Museum, railroad station, City Hall or Veterans General Hospital, don't forget to take advantage of it. It allows a passenger to have more control of his or her traffic timing, thus one would be even more appreciative of travel in Kaohsiung.

貼心交通  便利城市

GPS上線  公車跟你走

智慧型站牌  你的交通秘書
  下次如果你在城市光廊、歷史博物館、文化中心、市政府、高雄火車站、後火車站及高雄榮總等地方看見「智慧型站牌」,別忘了利用它,幫你計算交通時間,讓你可以在高雄市EASY GO EASY TRAVEL!