



Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion / 從亞洲文化推展聯盟

◎Text by Ya-Ting Hou
◎Photos Courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs

從亞洲文化推展聯盟Establishing a platform to promote performing arts and cultural interactions between the East and West

 In late November, visual art performers and art agencies from Asian countries gathered in Kaohsiung to attend the Asian City Culture & Arts Forum, the FACP 25th Annual Conference, during which local performing groups were introduced. Their spectacular performances won applause from the distinguished guests. As FACP functions as the platform across Asian countries and expands to the West, it is not surprising that the potential performing groups might be discovered and have their chance to shine on the international stage.

 Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion (FACP) was founded in 1979 by Chairman of Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex, Dr. Lucrecia R. Kasilag, and President of the New Aspect Promotion Corporation, Mr. Po-Yu Hsu. Both of them agreed that the lack of a contact network amid Asian countries has hampered the performing arts from the East being introduced to the West. Hence, they initiated the FACP in Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex. Each member represents the capital city in its region.

The Honan Opera Troupe國立國光劇團豫劇隊 Up to now, FACP has established itself as one of the major international organizations in terms of arts and cultural view. It plays a vital role to accelerate cultural interactions across the continent. Over 100 billion cultural productions annually have proved its importance and influence in the region.

 Mr. Hsu pointed out that Kaohsiung city is full of potential with many major construction projects underway, such as the 70-hectare Wei-wu-ying Center for the Performing Arts and the Popular Music Center. In addition, hosting the 2009 World Games allows Kaohsiung to not only embrace abundant opportunities to promote cultural events and atmosphere in town, but also to interact with and involve other cultures, arts communities and performing groups from around the world.

The Ju Percussion朱宗慶打擊樂團 The 25th FACP annual conference from November 29th to December 1st focused on performing arts and culture within Asian cities present and future. The programs for local performing groups were divided into four categories: a warm welcome from the merry marionettes; a jubilant city in full swing; rousing drums at Sizihwan Bay; riverfront revelry and banquet with music. The participating performing groups included Yong Hsing Le Shadow Puppet Theater, Jin Ing Ger Puppet Troupe, Chin Fei Feng Puppet Troupe, Kaohsiung City Ballet, Jazz Ballet Kaohsiung, Fan Mei Dance Company, The Ju Percussion, Utheatre, Zu-Yun (Ancestral Rhythm) Cultural Music and Dance Group, The Honan Opera Troupe, Contemporary Legend Theatre, SunHope Taiwanese Opera Troupe and Kaohsiung City Chinese Orchestra. Their performances impressed the participating guests who came from afar. Most importantly, this was a gate for potential participatory groups to exchange arts and culture in order to expand to the international stage.

 Holding this conference served as a platform for cultural interactions on performing arts and visual arts between Kaohsiung and the rest of the world. Additionally, the occasion successfully promoted these outstanding local performing groups and increased cultural productions.



高雄市原住民祖韻文化樂舞團Zu-Yun Cultural Music and Dance Group 十一月底,高雄的天空很藝術。高雄市政府文化局以及亞洲文化推展聯盟(FACP)共同舉辦的「2007亞洲城市文化藝術論壇」在高雄市舉行,除了亞洲各城市的藝文人士齊聚一堂外,更有四場在地藝術團體的表演,不但讓來自全球各地的藝文界驚豔,也有可能從中誕生下一個台灣揚名國際的雲門舞集,將高雄帶上國際舞台。

 亞洲文化推展聯盟成立於1979年,菲律賓文化中心(Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex)主席卡西拉葛(Lucrecia R. Kasilag)博士與台灣新象活動推展中心總監許博允,在一次機會談起亞洲各國的文化交流活動,兩人都認為亞洲各國間缺乏聯繫,使得東方藝術一直無法推廣到西方。於是兩人共同發起籌組「亞洲文化推展聯盟」,分頭遊說亞洲各地區承擔推動文化活動的主要負責人,於1981年8月11日在馬尼拉菲律賓文化中心正式成立了「亞洲文化推展聯盟」,以城市為會員,至今已成立26年。 26年來,亞洲文化推展聯盟成為亞洲最重要表演藝術決策推展者國際會議,亦是世界主要文化藝術國際組織之一,扮演東西方文化交流橋梁的重要角色,為聯盟成員國行銷文化產值,每年超過美金100億元,可見該聯盟之影響力。


