



Experience of Kaohsiung / Gavin的高雄經驗

Experience of Kaohsiung   
By Ya-Ting Hou Photos by Jung-Hui Pao

  Gavin Blakey came all the way to Kaohsiung from Brisbane, Australia to attend the training program for the "Sister City Public Servants Exchange Project". With his unique moustache and outgoing personality, he was quick to give everyone he met a big warm smile.
  Gavin did his training at both the "Urban Development Bureau of the Kaohsiung City Government" and the "Sewer Department of Kaohsiung Municipal Government". He built up a good relationship with his senior officer, colleagues, and also his home stay family. Not only did he share his knowledge about "water resources", but he also did a good job in paving the way for future liaising between Brisbane and Taiwan.

  Gavin works at the Urban Management Division as a Principal Officer of Sustainable Water Resources in Brisbane. During Gavin's stay in Taiwan, he experienced the "Hai Tung Typhoon", which was not only the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in five years, but also the first he had ever experienced. Therefore, he was quick to film the typhoon so that he could share this unforgettable experience with his friends and family back in Australia. Furthermore, during the typhoon, Gavin observed the capacity of the draining and flood prevention systems in Kaohsiung and was very positive in his remarks about the construction of these two systems.

  Gavin said that since Kaohsiung and Brisbane were sister cities, they had plenty of opportunities to share their opinions on water management which would not only be positive from an environmental perspective, but would also enhance the friendship between the two cities. Gavin was very appreciative of his opportunity to receive training with the Kaohsiung City Government and commented on the professional and warm_hearted nature of those he worked with at the City Hall.

  During his free time, Gavin enjoyed walking around Love River, Cijin, the British Consulate at Takao, and Sizih Bay. He particularly liked Love River and said that he got a sense of how strongly Kaohsiung citizens felt about the area.

  Although Gavin found it hard to forget the blue skies and unique smell of the Australian bush land, he remarked on how proud the citizens of Kaohsiung should be of their city.

文/侯雅婷 攝影/鮑忠暉

  遠從澳洲布里斯本市來到高雄參加「姐妹市交換公務人員實習計劃」的Gavin Blakey,留著一抹風格獨具的小鬍子,有著熱情開朗的個性,見面時總不吝給人一個溫暖的大微笑。




  儘管Gavin對於故鄉蔚藍的天空及叢林的味道難以忘懷,可以肯定的是,Gavin 此行11週時間,收獲滿滿,感動萬分。