



The Moment on the International Stage / 站上國際舞台的那一刻

The Moment on the International Stage
By Yu-Fong Wang Photos by San-Tai Sie & Jia-Sheng Jheng

  On July 30th, 2005, the Mayor of Kaohsiung, Chi-Mai Chen, brought back the long-awaited IWGA flag from Germany, declaring that the 2009 World Games would be held in Kaohsiung. On that night, the Kaohsiung City Government held the "World Games Parade", the "Lighting the Torch Ceremony" and the "World Games Night Festival in Kaohsiung" in celebration of the arrival of the IWGA flag.

-◆-  The Closing Ceremony of the 2005 World Games
高雄市長陳其邁站上國際舞台-照片  The delegation's visit to Germany was definitely a success. Mayor Chen led a delegation to Duisburg on 21 July. Duisburg was the host city for the 2005 World Games. On arrival, Mayor Chen and the delegation received a warm welcome from the Duisburg Mayor, Adolf Sauerland, and the staff of 2005 World Games, who later briefed Mayor Chen on the preparation process for the forthcoming World Games. Mayor Sauerland later invited him to visit the biggest inland port in the world, Duisburg's inner port. The port left a deep impression on Mayor Chen and the rest of the delegation.
  The presentation of the flag was conducted on July 24th during the closing ceremony of the 2005 World Games. On that evening, more than 30,000 people packed into the stadium. When Mayor Adolf Sauerland, the IWGA President Ron Froehlich and Mayor Chi-Mai Chen, entered the main stage, the flag of the IWGA was slowly lowered as music played in the background. Duisburg's Mayor Sauerland handed the folded flag over to the IWGA President Froehlich, who then passed the flag to Mayor Chen. Amidst thunderous applause, Kaohsiung City was formally given the responsibility of hosting the World Games of 2009. Later in his remarks, Mayor Chen promised the world that Kaohsiung would make a great host.
  The most splendid and longed-for event in the closing ceremony entitled "Prosper with Kaohsiung - A City of Mountain and Ocean" was organized by Kaohsiung City. The twenty-minute long spectacular dance and music performance opened with a solemn prayer led by the Zuyun Culture Music Dance Group. This was followed by a series of Chinese and Western performances by the National Guo-guang Chinese Opera Company, the Opera Queen Wang Hai-Lin, the Kaohsiung City Ballet, and the Fan Mei Dance Company. The magnificent performance ended with the chorus, "Jubilant Drinking Song," being sung by all the performers which was greeted by a round of applause from the crowd.

-◆-  Promote Liaison between Kaohsiung & Duisburg
  Due to his visit, Mayor Chen not only brought back the IWGA flag but also successfully enhanced diplomatic relations between Kaohsiung and Duisburg. During his stay, Mayor Chen also visited the capital of Germany, Berlin, and it's largest port, Hamburg. In Berlin, Mayor Chen met with Berlin City Chief Secretary, Mr. Schmitz, and the MP, Detlef Dzembritzki. Both of them expressed their congratulations and gave their best wishes to Kaohsiung City for hosting the 2009 World Games. While in Hamburg, Mayor Chen accompanied by the city's MP, Stefan Kraxner, paid a visit to the part which is the largest in Germany in order to gain inspiration for the future development of our own port in Kaohsiung.

  The delegation's visit to Germany not only allowed Kaohsiung City to step onto the international stage, but also gave the international community confidence that the coming World Games will be a well-organized and spectacular event. The delegation's outstanding achievements during this visit demonstrate that Kaohsiung will be a great host for the World Games of 2009.

文/王御風 攝影/謝三泰、鄭家聲


  此次的接旗活動相當成功。高雄市長陳其邁於7月21日,率領相關人員,前往此次世運會的舉辦地點-德國杜伊斯堡。陳市長一行人,抵達後就受到杜伊斯堡市長Adolf Sauerland及2005世運會人員的熱誠歡迎,世運會人員向陳市長簡報此次世運會的籌備經過,Adolf Sauerland市長更善盡東道主之職責,帶領陳市長參觀世界最大的內陸港灣-杜易斯堡內港,也讓陳市長一行人留下深刻印象。

  重頭戲的接旗儀式是在24日晚間進行,當天的閉幕典禮,湧進爆滿的3萬人,當杜伊斯堡市長Adolf Sauerland、IWGA會長Ron Froehlich及陳市長三人進入會場主舞台,世運會會旗在音樂聲中緩緩降下,杜市市長將已折好的世運會旗交至IWGA會長Ron Froehlich手中,會長再將會旗傳接給陳市長手中,高雄市在這一刻正式承接2009世運會主辦權,會場響起如雷的掌聲與喝采,整個儀式簡單隆重,充滿歷史承傳的意義。陳市長並發表演說,深信未來2009世運會,高雄市一定會辦得有聲有色,圓滿成功。


  陳市長此行,不僅將會旗迎回國內,更成功進行了城市外交,除了杜伊斯堡,陳市長更前往德國首都柏林及第一大港漢堡。在柏林,陳市長與柏林市政府祕書長Schmitz及德國國會議員Detlef Dzembritzki會面,其均對高市能成功爭取到2009世運會表示敬佩及祝福。在漢堡,則在漢堡邦議員Stefan Kraxner等人陪同下,參觀了德國最大港-漢堡港,做為高雄港將來發展的重要參考。
