



The Aroma of Coffee─for Sophisticated Drinkers / 啜飲一杯咖啡

can cafeThe Aroma of Coffee─for Sophisticated Drinkers
◎Text by Yu-Chun Lin ◎Photographs by Weiren Yang

 For those who have coffee running in their veins, coffee is a daily essential. Coffee addicts in Kaohsiung might ask the question, "Where do I find a decent cup of coffee?" In fact, delicious coffee can be found all around this beautiful city!

Can Café

 Located in the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art district, Can Café is a place where art meets fashion. With a double-layered and high-ceiling interior design, it has created an open yet cosy space. The grey-coloured walls complement the metallic building materials; the shop's decor is in a cool hue. With selected framed famous artworks hanging on the walls, the shop is soaked in an atmosphere of fine art.

 The owner of Can Cafe, Guan Cheng Lu, was a professional painter. His artistic stubborn streak is shown through his insistence on coffee. Before the opening of his own cafe, Lu would drive for miles to his favourite cafe just for a good cup of coffee. Lu says, "Because I was so used to that particular taste, I always felt that something was missing in the coffee if I drank it somewhere else. He also points out that in order to make a delicious cup, every detail of the coffee making process should be taken seriously, from choosing beans to brewing methods.

 According to his years of coffee-drinking history, Lu reckons that Gold Selection by Italian Coffee Company, Lavazza, is the best for Taiwanese coffee drinkers' tastes. It is a blend of 80% Arabica and 20% Robusta beans and is a medium roast. It does not taste bitter or astringent, but has a lovely, sweet after-taste that leaves you with a smooth feeling. It is the best type of bean for making espresso.  However, a great bean alone does not make a perfect cup- you also have to match them with an excellent coffee machine. Can Cafe uses the Italian Faema dual-boiler coffee machine, which retains the water temperature at a consistent 92°C with a built-in microprocessor to ensure great quality cup after cup.

Apartment Café

 Apartment Café was adapted from an old apartment which has kept the original structure of the old building. As you walk into the cafe, you'll get a feeling of travelling back in time. When the aroma of coffee and musical melody fill the air, it will make you instantly feel relaxed and at home.

 "It has always been my dream to own a small cafe in an alleyway- it does not need to be a big one. The decoration of the cafe should not be so standardised. I do not want it to be so commercialised either. I just want a place where I can have my afternoon tea with some friends, or enjoy a delicious cup of coffee just by myself. " The owner of Apartment Cafe, James, who is also a designer by profession, knew his dream would come true the day he discovered this old apartment on Renyi Street. He brought his interior designing skills to full play- he painted, decorated, and furnished the cafe himself. He tried to maintain most of the original look of the old building. The only major change to the building was knocking down the wall facing the street on the 1st floor and transforming it into French windows.

 James is zealous about coffee. He is a perfectionist when it comes to the quality of his coffee. He considers the perfect water temperature for brewing coffee to be 92°C- the full flavour of the beans cannot be released using water either higher or lower than this. Therefore, he purchased copper kettles especially for boiling water, and drip brewers for making coffee. He also added thermometers to the kettles, so he can monitor and ensure the precise water temperature to be at 92°C. When the boiled water is poured from the kettle and hits the coffee grounds, the aroma instantly fills the whole room as hot water and coffee fuse.

Can Café
Address: No.106, Meishu E. 2nd Rd., Gushan District, Kaohsiung City
Phone : 07-555-7126

Apartment Café
Address: No.227, Renyi St., Cianjin District, Kaohsiung City
Phone: 07-215-3434



 對血液中含有濃厚咖啡因子的人來說,咖啡是不可或缺的生活必需品,嗜咖啡成癮的您或許會問:「好的咖啡要到哪裡找?」其實,好喝的咖啡在高雄是無所不在的!公寓咖啡 Apartment Cafe

Can Café

 位於高雄美術館園區的Can café,是一家結合藝術和時尚美感的咖啡館,高挑的兩樓夾層空間,開闊舒適,灰色壁面和金屬建材搭配出的冷調性,加上一幅幅名人畫作,藝術的氛圍油然而生。

 Can café老闆盧冠誠原是畫家,藝術家執拗的個性,從他對咖啡的堅持看得出來。開店前,他常為了喝一杯咖啡,就專程開車到數里之遙咖啡店,「因為喝慣了,別家店的咖啡總是少了那麼一點味道。」盧冠誠說,咖啡好喝與否,從選豆、到沖煮,每個環節都馬虎不得。

 依他長期喝咖啡的經驗,盧冠誠認為義大利LAVAZZA 的黃金特選,最適合台灣人的口味,它是由80%的阿拉比卡咖啡豆與20%羅布斯塔咖啡豆調配而成,屬於中焙咖啡豆,特性是不苦不澀、回甘性強,喝完會有一種舒服的喉韻,用它沖泡義式濃縮咖啡,最適合不過了。有好的豆子,當然也要有好的咖啡機沖煮咖啡,才能相得益彰,Can café的咖啡機採用義大利進口「FAEMA」雙鍋爐咖啡機,以微電腦控制水溫和壓力,攝氏92度的恆溫,確保連續沖泡的咖啡品質不變。





公寓咖啡  07-2153434

Can café  07-5557126