



Meet Emilie Journeau─Director of the Alliance de Kaohsiung / 打造跳動的紅綠空間─高雄市法國文化協會

Meet Emilie Journeau
Director of the Alliance de Kaohsiung

◎Text by Ya-Ting Hou ◎Photo by Mireille Lee

 Alliance Francaise de Kaohsiung has moved from National Sun Yat-sen University to the downtown area to be more accessible for the Kaohsiung citizens. The association is now located on the 3rd floor of the Cinsyue Building in Lingya Junior High School. Emilie Journeau (Director) explained, "The Alliance Francaise de Kaohsiung would like to develop a closer relationship with the public and create a neighborhood attachment". The new office was co-designed by all the members of the association and is very vibrant, with red shelves against the wall and jade green sofa.

 Before Emile began her term as Director of the Alliance Francaise de Kaohsiung, she had never previously visited Taiwan. It has been 8 months since her arrival stresses her appreciation of Taiwan's gourmet food. Her favorite Taiwanese food is spicy hotpot and even loves stinky tofu.

 She was also surprised that an island as small as Taiwan could boast such a variety of terrains. She was particularly impressed by the typhoon (that occurred shortly after her arrival) and the two weeks of rain that followed. In her opinion, Kaohsiung is a clean and friendly city. She was also moved by the many people in Taiwan that volunteer to help others. In her free time, she takes walks around Chengching Lake or hangs out at the Shinkuchan shopping area.

 Emilie encourages the Kaohsiung citizens to make the best use of the French courses and certification examinations provided by Alliance Francaise de Kaohsiung. She explained that Alliance Francaise de Kaohsiung would like to enhance the cultural exchange between Taiwan and France by holding language courses, movie festivals and other activities. She also invites everyone to come out and enjoy the Frank Bechemilh's concert coming in May.


◎文/侯雅婷 ◎攝影/李思芬

 高雄市法國文化協會,日前為了方便服務更多的民眾,從依山面海的中山大學搬到市區,落腳於苓雅國中勤學樓3樓。該協會的主任紹米莉(Emilie Journeau)表示:「高雄市法國文化協會希望能更貼近廣大的民眾,營造社區鄰里般的感情。」新的辦公室有著一大面的紅色書架、翠綠色的沙發,讓整個空間優雅中充滿活力,值得一提的事是新的辦公空間是由高雄市法國文化協會工作同仁共同規劃設計而成。



 紹主任鼓勵民眾多多利用高雄市法國文化協會所提供專業且平價的法語教學和檢定。她表示法國文化協會希望藉由語言學習、電影欣賞和活動的舉辦,促進台法間的文化交流,而即將於5月初登場的法國鋼琴音樂才子Frank Bechemilh的音樂演唱會,更歡迎市民朋友一起到場聆聽。


電話:07- 5379751

Alliance de Kaohsiung
Address: No.176, Sihwei 3rd Rd., Lingya
District, Kaohsiung City (The association is now located on the 3rd floor of the Cinsyue Building.)
Phone: 07-5379751


Expanding Cultural Horizons
Nakayama Fumio
◎Photo and Text by Ya-Ting Hou

 Kaohsiung is like a second home to Nakayama Fumio. His parents are Taiwanese, he was born in Taiwan then his family immigrated to Japan. His grandmother and many other relatives live in Kaohsiung. Therefore, Fumio and his sibling Hiro, decided to return to Kaohsiung in order to study Mandarin at the Language Center of National Kaohsiung Normal University. They plan to apply for university in Taiwan. Fumio speaks fluent Mandarin. He watched television news and talk shows to gain his language ability. As a result, when Fumio converses with classmates, they don't even notice that it is his second language. Fumio admits that writing is the biggest challenge of his current language learning.

 Fumio is impressed by the nice weather as well as the widened roads around the city. In his free time, he likes to visit Sizihwan Bay, the National Sun Yat-sen University, and Chaishan. He prefers to commute by bus for comfort and safety reasons. He suggests that the city government could offer more buses during the regular times since most passengers are students or elderly. Waiting for buses during the hot weather could be an extremely difficult physical task for aged people.

 Living in his grandmother's house has given Fumio an advantage in familiarizing himself to a new life in Kaohsiung. He loves to go to night markets for food hunting. Fish thick soup and sausage are some of his favorites. Fumio explained that the taste of sausage in Japan is not as authentic as Taiwanese sausage, and it tastes better in Taiwan.  On the other hand, Fumio feels that the Japanese food in Kaohsiung does not have as authentic a flavor as in Japan since it fuses too much of the Taiwanese cooking style. He thinks even Miso soup, a popular traditional Japanese soup, tastes different here. In addition, Fumio points out that a slice of Sasimi is much thicker in Taiwan, and feels it's less elegant in terms of presentation. It is through Fumio's observation of food that different perspectives or concepts were thus scrutinized, which has formed Fumio's personal experience with the mixture of these two cultures.




