



Betel Nut Beauties Captivate Paris / 檳榔西施我愛妳 魅惑巴黎

 The artists who have contributed to the exhibition are Ching-Fang Lin, Ting-Fu Huang, Chung-Hua Wu, Wen-Jen Deng, Ching-Pao Chen and Shygong. They have been observing the phenomenon of betel nut beauties for many years. Ching-Fang Lin, is still a student of the Graduate School of Plastic Art, National Taiwan University of Art. He sees betel nut beauties not only as pretty girls, but more like angels. Lin used "Taiwan Girl" as his theme and the betel nut beauty is a part of this Taiwan Girl series. In his "Saint Taiwan Girl-Betel Nut Angel", he adds a pair of angelic wings on betel nut beauties in his paintings. 陳敬寶Ching-Pao Chen 片刻濃妝A Moment of Beauty

 Lin says, the sight of girls in skimpy outfits in neon-lit glass cubicles is so odd that he cannot help but have a few looks every time he drives past them on the road.

 Although the betel nut ladies in Lin's painting were portrayed as angels with wings, their faces were painted in an image of shattered glass. Lin says that it is because Taiwan Girl's behaviour always shatters people's fancy toward them- when you look closer, these girls are always wearing wall-thick make-up, or are being foul mouthed." But Lin thinks this is the revelation of their true selves.

 The photographer Ching-Pao Chen, who is also a primary school teacher, has spent 8 years photographing betel nut beauties in northern Taiwan. He gathered the photos he took during 1996 to 2003 and published a photographic album titled "Betel Nut Girls".

 What inspired Chen to photograph betel nut beauties was that when he was courting his then girlfriend, now wife, he used to chauffer her everyday passing through Jhonghe City in Taipei County. There were a lot of betel nut cubicles along the route and they caught his eye. Therefore, he decided to use his camera and capture this subculture which has already become a part of Taiwan culture.

陳敬寶Ching-Pao Chen 片刻濃妝A Moment of Beauty As Chen recalls, before he started shooting, he thought that these ladies in revealing outfits really clashed with Taiwan's conservative customs. Because he had talked to the betel nut shop owners and the ladies before he start photographing them, all the photos were shot with consent and were shot openly from the front angle. By doing so, Chen also built up a good relation of trust and had wonderful interactions with them. Therefore, he was able to explore further and gain a deeper understanding of the betel nut beauty culture. He thinks that betel nut beauties are a product of Taiwan's unique social environment. Although they are different, they should not be discriminated against.

 Another artist Wen-Jen Deng has been studying food and drink culture for the past few years. Her works are based on the original form and colour of food- this reflects her attitude toward betel nut beauties. She does not smear, praise, nor criticise them. She made semi-relief betel nuts by using materials such as fabric and acrylic pigments as well as gaudy elements representative of the betel nut beauties costumes such as glitter and sparkles. It looks as if the nut is saying "come eat me!"

 Chung-Hua Wu sees the Chinese dress of Taiwan in early 20th century as a symbol of traditional Taiwanese females, and betel nut beauties as a symbol of new modern females. Her work is to combine Chinese dress, the betel nut beauties, and Barbie dolls. These 3 symbols together try to open a conversation of the ideology of modern women in Taiwan.

 Ting-Fu Huang's contribution to this exhibition is a documentary of betel nut beauties. Shygong's design is a betel nut cubicle on an electronic floral cart. It represents the aesthetics case of the exclusive local culture of Taiwan. It also highlights the ironic clash and co-existence of high and low classes that exist in every society.吳瓊華Chung-Hua Wu驚艷台灣Dazzling Taiwan

 The exhibition "Betel Nut Beauties" is co-hosted by KMFA and Maison des Cultures du Monde. It started on 6th of March at the hall of Pont Ephemere in Paris. Among the 19 countries that have joined the 12th Festival de I'lmaginaire, seventeen of them are performing art groups. There are only two countries at this festival with art exhibitions and Taiwan is one of them. Through advertisements in the free magazine of Maison des Cultures du Monde, which is widely distributed in underground stations around Paris, the name of Betel Nut Beauties from Taiwan has been spread to every corner of Paris.




鄧文貞 Wen-Jen Deng 宴饗-檳榔Festin-betel nut 攝影家也是小學老師的陳敬寶則是花了八年時間,從1996年至2003年間,以北部檳榔西施為對象進行拍攝,還彙集成「片刻濃妝」攝影集。


 回憶拍攝之初,心裡認為西施們穿著清涼暴露衣服,與傳統的社會善良風俗相違背。因為都是事先徵得老闆及西施們的同意,所以所有角度都是正面,也因此建立起不錯的互動,也因而讓他能深入了解認識檳榔西施文化。他認為,這是台灣社會環境下的產物,雖然顯得特殊另類,但不應以歧視的眼光看待檳榔西施。施工忠昊Shygong 美術館檳榔攤Betel Nut Stand of Art Museum




 高雄市立美術館與巴黎世界文化館(Maison des Cultures du Monde)共同策辦的「檳榔西施我愛你」展覽已於3月6日於巴黎Point Ephemere空間順利開展,十九個參展國家中,有十七個國家為表演藝術團體,只有兩個國家是以展覽形式參與,台灣是其中一個。透過世界文化館在地鐵贈閱的雜誌上刊登廣告宣傳,「檳榔西施我愛妳」已傳達至巴黎市每個角落。