



Betel Nut Beauties Captivate Paris / 檳榔西施我愛妳 魅惑巴黎

Betel Nut Beauties Captivate Paris
◎Article by Yi-Chun Lin ◎Courtesy of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

 Arwad Esber, the director of Maison des Cultures du Monde says, "In Taiwan, buying a package of betel nut can bring you a mixture of feelings, such as imagination, absurdity and drama. This exhibition is not only an occasion for Taiwanese artists to show their aesthetic works to the world, but is also a presentation of this exclusive feature of Taiwanese local culture, which leads to the understanding of an identity of Taiwan." Through the observation of artists, the betel nut beauties that dress in skimpy costumes and sit in glass cubicles decorated with neon lights have become a classic art of the Taiwanese sub-culture, and head to the fashion capital Paris, to shine on the stage at the 12th Festival de I'lmaginaire.

 Arwad Esber says, "It is impossible to experience complicated feelings like this, when buying a slice of cheese in a French supermarket." The existence of betel nut beauties is an exotic and peculiar type of sub-culture to people outside of Taiwan. To them, they cannot imagine that there is a type of tiny green nut, which is not fruit, and that people would spit out a pool of red juice after chewing on it.

林慶芳Ching-Fang Lin 聖台妹天使系列2部曲(可愛小天使10號)Saint Taiwan Girl-Betel Nut Angel#10 The director of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art (KMFA) Jin-Shyan Lee points out that the betel nut is one of the exclusive features in Taiwanese culture. Chewing betel nut can help in relieving moisture and heat related syndromes, and is particularly good for people living in the hot and humid weather in Taiwan. Betel nut culture has a long history in Taiwan and is inseparable from this island.

 Although modern society deems betel nut as a type of harmful substance which would damage one's health and create a bad image, and sees betel nut beauties in skimpy costumes through coloured-lenses, it is undeniable that betel nut is one of the classic features of Taiwanese sub-culture. The specially designed and illuminated betel nut cubicles have become a signature sight of Taiwan.

 In fact, the existence of betel nut beauties does not only end at the level of being a symbol of Taiwan's local culture. It also portrays the extremely strong life force at the bottom of the social pyramid in Taiwan. Furthermore, the concept of marketing is an important part of the existence of betel nut beauties. A great amount of business marketing creativity is involved when it comes to standing out among the multitude of betel nut stalls on the roads, and to attract customers to purchase a package of betel nut or a drink.

 Betel Nut Beauties Exhibition includes photography, image synthesis, and theatrical performances. This is the first time that people have examined the images of betel nut beauties from a professional artistic point of view. Thus, betel nut beauties that are deemed as vulgar and philistine by local Taiwanese have turned unique and vivacious Taiwan Girls (A.K.A. Tai-Mei) into a symbol of a certain strand local culture in Taiwan. This irony is taken to an artistic level by a group of Taiwanese artists, and is packed with the flavour of Taiwanese culture.

 Ying-Long Su attended this exhibition in Paris as the representative of the Exhibition Unit of KMFA. He described the event as phenomenal. Both artists from international art circles and people from the general public said that if it was in other countries, betel nut beauties may encounter discrimination or even attacks. They are deeply surprised that betel nut beauties can make it in Taiwan, and even more, become part of the local culture. Although betel nut beauty is only a sub-culture in Taiwan, its existence shows the great social tolerance in Taiwan. This amazing tolerance is what has attracted the attention of international art circles. From his point of view, Pan thinks that great culture tolerance is shown by the existence of betel nut beauties and has wowed people from all over the world.

檳榔西施我愛妳 魅惑巴黎
◎文/無明 ◎照片提供/高雄市立美術館

 巴黎世界文化館長Arwad Esber說:「在台灣買一包檳榔的同時,也帶來了想像、荒誕與戲劇化的心情,這個展覽讓台灣藝術家不僅呈現出美學的境界,也同時表現出在地文化的性格,表現出台灣認同。」於是,挺胸翹臀穿著薄紗坐在霓虹燈管裝飾的玻璃屋內招徠客人的檳榔西施,透過藝術家的觀察,幻化成台灣社會次文化經典藝術,前進全球時尚之都巴黎,躍上巴黎第十二屆「想像藝術節」(Festival de I'lmaginaire)。

 Arwad Esber說「法國超市買一塊乳酪,是不可能有這麼多的心情」,在外國人眼中,是充滿著異國風情的奇特次文化。尤其,一粒不起眼的綠色果實,不是水果,嚼食後還會吐出一大灘的紅色汁液,有些難以理解。



 其實,檳榔西施代表的意涵不僅止於在地文化意涵,也是台灣基層豐「檳榔西施我愛妳」展覽躍上巴黎第十二屆「想像藝術節」Betel Nut Beauties shine on the stage at the 12th Festival de I'Imaginaire.生命力的另類呈現,甚至有著市場行銷學的概念在其中,如何才能在街頭林立的檳榔攤中突出,吸引顧客登門,購買一包檳榔或是一瓶飲料,其中蘊涵商業行銷的巧思。

