



New Bike Bridges Show the City Puts People First/自行車橋 以人為本的城市地景


New Bike Bridges Show the City Puts People First

◎English translation: Tan Shu-chun
◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui


中山-凱旋自行車道 Jhongshan-Kaisyuan Bike Bridge  Kaohsiung City's network of bike trails totals 630 kilometers, and is integrated with other forms of transportation. The bike system not only gives citizens and tourists a convenient way to get around the city, but showcases the city government's ongoing effort to build an eco-friendly transportation environment. Back in 2010, CNN's website rated Kaohsiung as one of Asia's five best cities for cycling.

  The biking network is expected to reach 700 kilometers in total length by the end of this year, and the city government is planning to construct two bike bridges that will give cyclists and pedestrians a safer transportation environment, while at the same time diversifying the city's landscapes. Architect Wang Syu-jhong says these two new bike bridges will be located in transportation hubs where the traffic load is very heavy as multiple highways converge. Wang is one of the architects who worked on the bike bridges now adorning Zuoying and Cianjhen districts. 

  Unlike other traditional infrastructure projects, Wang believes public bike systems should be empowered with additional functions. Kaohsiung's first bicycle bridge is located on Cueihua Road, close to the popular tourist attractions, Lotus Pond and Jhouzih Wetland Park. Wang explains that the design team incorporated natural elements into the concept. For example, people can see cloud-shaped ceilings, 翠華路自行車橋 The cloud-shaped roof is an iconic feature of Cueihua Road Bike Bridge.under which there are gardens where vines grow. The bridge structure itself reflects its neighborhood. For example, vines crawl along the bridge arch, and planting is a key element in the design. If you stand beneath the bridge and look up, you will see a complicated joist structure. The steel planks of the bridge arch are carved into irregular shapes mimicking the trees in the nearby Kaohsiung Indigenous Plant Garden. Benches have been placed on the bridge so cyclists and pedestrians can sit and enjoy the view.  

  The Cianjhen District Jhongshan-Kaisyuan Bike Bridge is a landmark of sculpture. Wang says its design concept was inspired by the fairytale Jack and the Beanstalk, as well as the "Tree of Life" in the Hollywood blockbuster movie Avatar. The bridge embodies the city's tremendous vigor. Its linear structure spreads out, like vines crawling through the seemingly harsh urban jungle. Ceilings decorated with geometric shapes, together with simple lighting, add to the bridge's stylish allure.  

  Wang recalls that on several occasions he has strolled along the Jhongshan-Kaisyuan Bike Bridge, and seen students picnicking and chatting on the wooden planks. For an architect, there are few experiences more rewarding than seeing and knowing citizens are making the best of his design. While heavy traffic roars below, the bike bridge stands tall and firm, safeguarding those on bicycles or on foot. More importantly, the bridge showcases the true spirit of Kaohsiung, a friendly city which always puts its people first. 


從翠華路自行車橋宛如龍骨的結構 Cueihua Road Bike Bridge's joist structure自行車橋 以人為本的城市地景



  高雄市綿延630公里的自行車道,串連不同的大眾運輸路網,便捷了市民和旅客,也彰顯了高雄市持續建構綠色友善的運輸環境,美國媒體CNN 曾評選高雄為亞洲五大最適合騎乘單車城市之一。今(2014)年高雄市的自行車道將達700公里,帶動健康的休憩風氣 。隨著自行車道延伸,市府建構多座造型優雅的自行車橋,車友和行人得以更安全地在城市間行進著,營造友善的交通環境外,也豐富了城市的地景。


  王煦中認為公共自行車道超越傳統基礎建設,具備多元的意義和功能。翠華路自行車橋是高雄第一座自行車橋,附近知名景點為蓮池潭和洲仔濕地。他談起設計自行車橋時,周遭環境也一併納入設計範疇,打造出給人和植物一同使用的空間,如裝置特殊雲朵造型的斗蓬 ,在雲朵斗蓬底下有個小花園,栽植藤蔓,而且翠華路自行車橋橋體結構也反映當地地景,另如藤蔓攀爬橋體,植栽成為空間的一部份,從橋下方可見橋身宛如龍骨結構。其他細節包括,自行車橋兩旁的雕花鐵板,呈現一旁原生植物園的樹木之不規則造形,自行車橋上方也設置座椅,讓人們眺望蓮池潭和洲仔濕地。

自行車橋提供車友和乘客更安全的交通環境 Bike bridges make transportation safer for cyclists and pedestrians.  「前鎮區中山、凱旋自行車橋」則體現自行車橋成為都市中的大雕塑品。王煦中談起,它的設計帶進了童話故事「 傑克與魔豆」和阿凡達電影裏的生命之樹那樣鮮明生動的生命力畫面。這座自行車橋企圖於生硬的都市叢林,以軟性的線條軟化周遭環境,於是打造出宛如都市翻轉的藤蔓,那樣迸發活力的自行車橋,橋身形態更加立體、上方以幾何流線造形的頂蓬,賦予自行車橋摩登意象,再配合較單純的燈光,呼應自行車橋本身豐富的樣貌。

  王煦中提起他幾次到中山、凱旋自行車橋走走,看見學生們坐在木棧道上野餐、聊天,運用這一處有趣的都市空間 ,對設計者而言,看見自己的作品被使用,讓他感動不已。在車水馬龍的道路上,自行車橋堅定而溫柔地守護著自行車友和行人的路權,體現高雄宜居的友善城市以人為本的核心理念。