



Friendly City with Friendly Hands / 友善城市伸出友善的手

友善城市伸出友善的手  Marriage with a foreign spouse has become a trend in recent years. According to the latest census, there are 4 foreign brides in every 10 newly married couples in Kaohsiung city. The rate jumps greatly from one-forth in the past to two-fifths nowadays. Foreign spouses mother one of every 5 newborn. It is estimated that the phenomenon of "Taiwanese children with foreign mothers" will be even more common in the future. The mixed blood, say some scholars and experts, may become the largest group in Kaohsiung in the future, which contributes to the formation of a United Kaohsiung.
  With a great deal of foreign spouses immigrating into Kaohsiung, the differences in language, culture, customs, and values lead to many social problems. It has an impact on the population structure, education system, and family values.
  When probing into these problems, we have to clarify two concepts. First is the difference between the term "foreign brides" and "foreign spouses". Brides certainly indicate female, but don't forget grooms are spouses, too, though they are never called foreign grooms. Therefore, for the sake of equal rights, it would be better to call both the brides and the grooms 'foreign spouses'. Second, foreign brides include not only women from Southeast Asia, but also many women from developed countries such as in Europe, America and Japan. All of them should be called foreign brides; after all, there shouldn't be discrimination due to skin colors in marriage.
  Another important concept is that whether brides are from Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam, Thailand or from China, they face the same problems and difficulties as Taiwanese brides. They draw the public's attention easily because they are still a minority in society. The same problems happen to Taiwanese brides as well. Take having a child with developmental delay for example, some Taiwanese brides also give birth to these children. The severity of domestic violence inflicted on Taiwanese brides is no less than on foreign brides.
  Foreign spouses face many difficulties in Kaohsiung, including the basic identification and respect, language and culture, economic demand, employment and social participation, personal safety and domestic violence, health demands and social welfare, etc. The new Taiwanese children of them also face difficulties in education, health, and social welfare. While they are facing these difficulties, the private groups (NGO) as well as public departments provide many suitable and convenient services.
  Among all the private groups which are devoted to foreign spouses, Kaohsiung Christian Family Consultation Center, Kaohsiung service center of Eden social welfare foundation, and Kaohsiung Young Women's Christian Association are the most active and effective. Their services include life adaptation guidance, medical eugenic health, protecting employment rights, assisting child care and education, securing personal safety, and advertising important concepts. In addition to the common services such as education, special assistances for children with a developmental delay or disability to shorten learning margin, driving lessons and skill lessons to promote living ability are also available. There are associated groups and a supporting network, too.
  Kaohsiung Christian Family Consultation Center, for example, holds the training courses for core teachers and interpreters of foreign spouses life adaptation. Kaohsiung Young Women's Christian holds reading and self-growth classes for foreign spouses. Association Kaohsiung service center of Eden social welfare foundation holds the "foreign and Chinese spouse children's schoolwork guidance class" particularly for foreign spouse's children. Moreover, Kaohsiung Broadcasting Station (FM94.3) establishes the first exclusive radio show in the country for foreign spouses.
