



Modern Kaohsiung-Heading for a Better Cause / 高雄市的努力 世界看得到

高雄市的努力 世界看得到  Kaohsiung city Mayor, Frank Hsieh described Kaohsiung as a city that is "racing with the times".
  After signing the contract to host the 2009 World Games on June 14 in cooperation with the Chairman of the International World Games Association (IWGA), Mr. Ron Froehlich and the Secretary-General, Mr. Co Koren, the Mayor immediately held a preparations meeting on the following day. Kaohsiung has been very active in preparing to show itself and Taiwan off to the rest of the world.

  The Mayor stated with confidence that the city's reputation of being the ocean capital, coupled with state-of-the-art construction for the 2009 World Games makes Kaohsiung a city that is on it's way to becoming one of international standard.
  Kaohsiung will host the World Games on July 16, 2009, whereby competition will last for 16 days. In preparation for this great event, Kaohsiung will host all kinds of sporting competitions beginning on July 16 each year for the five years leading up to the World Games. These lead-up competitions will serve as test events for the 2009 World Games.
  Dr. Huang Chi-Huang (Deputy Minister of National Council on Physical Fitness and Sports) has been appointed as the managing director of the 2009 World Games. This important responsibility rests on Dr. Huang's shoulders due to his professionalism in the field of sports, his knowledge of various sports, and also due to his ability to speak fluent English. Not only will Dr. Huang have to use new technology and equipment, but also understand Kaohsiung's administration systems, and be able to represent Kaohsiung in communications with the World Game's committees. In addition to that, as managing director, Dr. Huang will be responsible for preparing all relevant announcements relating to the event, will have to familiarize himself with all the different sport's rules, as well as keep up-to-date with the construction for the games.
  On July 15, Mayor Hsieh led a total of 300 people, made up of government officials and athletes from many different sports in a march through Central Park where they waved and greeted the rest of the world. After marching through Central Park, the group moved to Love River for the ceremony of the unveiling of the countdown clock. At that moment, it became official that in 1,827 days, the 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung would be the event that presents Taiwan to the rest of the world.
  On July 16, Kaohsiung announced that they would launch an official website for the 2009 World Games (www.worldgames2009.org.tw) and hopes that this website would serve as the most effective and efficient means of communication for the citizens of the world to learn about the event. President of the IWGA, Mr. Ron Froehlich stated in a letter that the 2009 World Games hosted by Kaohsiung would be the most successful World Games ever. Therefore, Kaohsiung's hard work will be seen by the whole world.

  六月十四日,與國際世界運動委員會主席Mr.Ron Froehlich和秘書長Mr.Co Koren簽約主辦2009年奸運會後,十五日隨即召開籌備的研商會議,以及七月一連三天的造勢活動。高雄市積極的作法,無疑是宣告將以「跳躍式」與「重點式」的步伐,帶領高雄、甚至台灣邁入國際。
  我們可以說,高雄市以「only one」的角度切入,成功找到了自己的優點。「未來高雄市的整體建設將在『海洋首都』的縱軸目標下,以2009世界運動會舉辦為橫軸貫穿各項市政建設,逐步將高雄市帶向國際級的都會城市。」謝市長滿懷信心的對外界表示。
  緊接著,謝市長十五日再度率領市府團隊、槌球、劍道、拳擊、柔道等各類運動健將,以及各界代表三百餘人齊聚中央公園運動場,相互擊掌,一起向世界「Say Hi」。