

Kaohsiung's First Phase of Light Rail Transit Opening to the Public in August!/高雄輕軌 8月上路!



Kaohsiung's First Phase of Light Rail Transit Opening to the Public in August!

◎English translation: Wendy Wei Chang 

◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui, Sie Guan-yi


  Kaohsiung's first light rail transit is expected to go into service this coming August and residents are looking forward to this milestone in Taiwan's public transportation.

  Integrated with Kaohsiung's other public transport systems, the Kaohsiung Light Rail Transit (KLRT) will intersect with Kaohsiung's Red and Orange MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) lines. Phase one will include a route of 8.7 kilometers, with construction having commenced in 2013. By the end of August, passengers will be able to utilize service from stations C1-C8, which will include Lizihnei, Kaisyuan Rueitian, Star of Cianjhen, Kaisyuan Jhonghua, Dream Mall, Kaohsiung Multifunctional Commerce and Trade Park, Kaohsiung Software Park and Kaohsiung Exhibition Center.

高雄輕軌將於今年8月上路。KLRT ready for service this August.  The second and final phase will include the rest of the 6 stations and complete the circular line. The whole light rail transit will run 22.1 kilometers in its entirety. The second phase is expected to become operational in June, 2016. The light rail transit is designed to make transportation to various scenic spots even more convenient. Its route will include attractions such as Cianjhen Bike Bridge, Dream Mall, Kaohsiung Exhibition Center and Kaohsiung Main Public Library which are part of the Asia's New Bay Area development initiative, as well as Pier-2 Art Center. It will also provide passengers breathtaking views of Kaohsiung's port and run along the beautiful Love River.

  Operating along a catenary-free route, the light rail transit does not in any way inhibit Kaohsiung's beautiful skyline. This eco-friendly system has trains re-charging at every station, which takes about 30 seconds. The last of the light rail transit carriage arrived from Spain this past April, bringing the total to nine green and white sleek carriages. Phase one lines are currently undergoing a three-month test period; various inspections will be conducted.

  Each train will pull a maximum of 5 carriages, with an approximate length of about 34 meters. This will have the capacity to carry 250 passengers. The trains will run every 7.5 minutes during rush hour and every15 minutes during regular hours. The Legislative Yuan passed an amendment of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, which gives the light rail transit the right of way. Whenever the train intersects with traffic, lights will notify vehicles to stop and give the train priority to safely pass through.

  The designs of the stations are also user friendly. Every station has a roof so that passengers will not have to wait in the sun or rain. The platform is 35 centimeters high, which is level to the carriage floors. This ensures no gaps between the carriages and the platform, making it easier to access and convenient for elderly and physically challenged passengers. There are two 7-meter wheelchair ramps on each side of the platforms. Tickets are sold from automated machines, which are set up along the platforms. Tickets are checked when passengers board the train. People can use their Kaohsiung MRT card on the light rail transit. With its eco-friendly design and ease of use, the light rail transit is sure to become a gem of Kaohsiung City.


高雄輕軌 8月上路!







民眾試乘輕軌。Residents get a preview of new KLRT.  高雄輕軌全線採用無架空線系統,減少對都市景觀的衝擊,為城市完整保留美麗開闊的天際線,並且採用100%低地板車廂設計,月台與車廂完全無縫接軌,體貼老人及行動不便者,具有高度友善以及便利性。

  高雄規劃施工中的環狀輕軌全長22.1 公里,與高雄捷運紅、橘兩線相交,使得高雄大眾運輸系統整體路網與接駁運輸服務更周全。環狀輕軌第一階段「水岸輕軌」長約8.7公里,設置14座候車站,在2013年動工,預計2016年6月全線通車,今年8月C1-C8部分,包括籬仔內、凱旋瑞田、前鎮之星、凱旋中華、夢時代、經貿園區、軟體園區、高雄展覽館等站將搶先通車試營運。


