

Award Winning Tattoo Artist Yang Chin-siang / 遊藝紋身 楊金祥
Award Winning Tattoo Artist   Yang Chin-siang
English translation: Peng Hsin-yi
楊金祥2009年獲得義大利米蘭紋身展「黑白組」冠軍作品(照片提供/東方紋身)  Mr. Yang's award winning tattoo in the black and white category at the 2009 Milan Tattoo Convention (Photo courtesy East Tottoo)    Mr. Yang Chin-siang is not your stereotypical tattoo artist and regarded as one of the most prominent tattoo artists in Taiwan. One of the things that Mr. Yang is well known for is his high level of ethics. He believes tattoo artists must exhibit a high level of self-respect and respect for others. He does not accept clients under 18 and provides free consultation for people getting tattooed for the first time. He explains the process in detail and what to expect when the tattoo is complete. He also encourages clients to go home and think about it. Tattoos are permanent; therefore he doesn't want anyone to regret their decision. He also encourages females to avoid tattooing exposed areas so they won't get ridiculed by people that don't understand the art form.
    People are often mesmerized by tattoos. Mr. Yang himself has a captivating full-body tattoo. He stated that people often stare but he isn't bothered by it. In his native Taiwanese he explains, "Although we have tattoos, we are just the same as everyone else. We just express ourselves through our tattoo art. Some people are sincerely interested and some people find it an oddity."
      Mr. Young was awarded first place in the Black and White category at the prestigious, 2009 Milan Tattoo Convention. His winning portrait of the Chinese Saint "Jigong the Living Buddha" impressed tattoo professionals from around the world. The winning masterpiece depicted the Saint Jigong surrounded by a flying dragon, images of the bodhisattva and dancing goddesses. The Heart Sutra (one of the most recited Buddhist sutras), was also included in a calligraphy script. The tattoo was placed across the model's back and complemented the natural contours of the body.
      Mr. Yang's sophisticated style is carried out with detailed execution and thought. Although Mr. Yang has been tattooing for more than 30 years, he is still passionate about his work. He explains, "Each tattoo is a new challenge and an opportunity to reinvent myself. I continue to improve with each tattoo." At East Tattoo, Mr. Yang and three other artists do not use sample pictures. Every tattoo is created out of extensive discussions with each customer and is custom made. He explained tattoo artists must exhibit solid sketching skills and a good imagination. It is important tattoo artists are always willing to adapt their style and methods of expression for each client. They must keep their work contemporary and relevant. The world's best tattoo artists have developed a unique signature style that can withstand the test of time.
      Mr. Yang's tattoos are a reflection of people's lives. "No gain comes without pain", he explains, "humans achieve personal growth through the pain they have experienced and their tattoos embody these experiences." Tattoos bear witness to an individual's personal history. It should therefore be carried out with great consideration and self-responsibility.
 Mr. Yang's bright and open-plan shop, East Tattoo, opened 19 years ago. As one of Taiwan's best tattoo parlors, it sets the bar for others. With modern oriental decor, it is spotless and well organized, with sterile work stations. All tattoo artists at East Tattoo are required to maintain excellent hygiene.
 Mr. Yang's personal story was recently presented in the film Inky Soul. The documentary featured several Taiwanese tattoo artists and premiered at the 2012 Kaohsiung Film Festival. Mr. Yang really appreciated the way the director Chen Huei-mei presented his life as a tattoo artist. He believes it will provide the general public a better understanding of the art of tattoo and that tattoo artists are indeed respected professionals.
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楊金祥一直致力於刺青  Yang has always been dedicated to tattooing     眼前這位楊金祥是台灣刺青界重量級人物,一身輕便進入東方紋身館,頂個光頭,但手臂和身上的刺青,讓他走到哪都是焦點,面對外界因為這一身斑斕的紋身而投以注目的眼神,楊金祥以台語說,我們只是比普通人身上多些花草(指刺青)罷了。
     對刺青,楊金祥自有一番論述,他說人生與刺青很像,人生中總有痛苦,但痛苦使人成長,刺青也是一樣的,刺青就是對自己負責,刺青之前要想清楚,刺的時候會痛,之後會留下美麗的印記 。藉由刺青,紀錄下人生某一段宣言。
   楊金祥把自愛和品德視為這份工作最重要的事,店裏不替未滿18歲的人刺青 ,他強調,面對不甚了解刺青的內容的客戶,他們會為客人設身處地的著想,也因此,對於初次刺青的客戶,會請客戶考慮清楚再來,至於女性客戶則會建議她們避免把刺青刺在手部等明顯位置 ,避免外界投以異樣眼光。