

The F.C.F. Seafood Empire/縱橫三大洋 豐群水產

The F.C.F. Seafood Empire

◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi 
◎Photos courtesy of F.C.F., Pao Chung-hui

     Founded in Kaohsiung in 1972,        F.C.F. Fishery Co., Ltd. is one of the world's top three marine products trading companies. They have been in fisheries operations for 39 years and work out of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. They manage 30 subsidiaries, fishing bases and shipping agents worldwide. Last year, revenue topped NT $45 billion and in 2010 processed 50 tons of seafood. It also provides a wide variety of services for 500-600 fishing boats, including trading, transshipments, processing, cold storage and offshore refueling etc.

     Taiwan is surrounded by the ocean. Kaohsiung is Taiwan's most important seaport and prominent distant-water fishing port. Taiwan began building fleets for distant-water fisheries in the 1940s. By the 1970s, it had become one of the most prominent fishing countries in the world.

     However, the road for F.C.F.'s full recognition as a multinational marine products trading company has not been without its challenges. F.C.F.'s Chairman Lee Wen-Hung points out, despite lack of official diplomatic recognition, with Taiwan's constant involvement and contribution to the international fishing community, Taiwan finally obtained its qualification for continuing participation and use of international fisheries' resources.

     Fisheries are a sensitive issue today, due to dwindling aquatic resources and fierce international competition. Lee Wen-Hung points out that although Taiwan still has an edge in the distant-water industry, he feels Taiwan must start looking at it from a global perspective. He discusses, the U.S. regards distant-water fisheries as an important national resource. Therefore, the State Department directly handles fisheries negotiations in the Pacific Ocean. Lee Wen-Hung also pointed out many of Taiwan's formal diplomatic ties are with island nations that have significant fishing resources. Those nations regard fisheries as their lifeblood. However, recently many of these island nations have begun to entice other countries to invest or establish businesses in exchange for fishing rights. These strategies have had a significant economic impact and improved the quality of their human resources. F.C.F. has been investing in these nations for a long time and Lee Wen-Hung attests to the benefits of having strong ties with these countries. In times of need, F.C.F. relies on these islands to assist their fishing boats. Taiwan now enjoys the full benefits of an open coastline and one of the most robust distant-water fishing industries in the world. Taiwan also enjoys great diplomatic leverag. Lee Wen-Hung urges the government focus on these issues and build stronger diplomatic relations and secure substantial investment partnerships with other island nations. Distant-water fisheries not only bring mutual benefits, but also strengthens diplomatic ties. Taiwan cannot afford to lag in this arena, nor should it allow other nations to get ahead.

     Of all the world's industries, distant-water fisheries have one of the longest production lines. There are many steps involved, starting from the launching of the fleet, catching the seafood and finally delivering the catch to market. The modern consumer is becoming more concerned about ocean sustainability. Environmental groups are making direct demands on operators to follow sustainability initiatives. This international movement is changing the face of distant-water fishing. Lee Wen-Hung is well aware of this trend and as a veteran of international distant-water fisheries; the company is doing its best to understand and meet the environmental requirements, while turning a profit. His vision for the future is to build the company brand by working with other established brands and to continue turning F.C.F. seafood into one of the world's most prestigious seafood companies.


縱橫三大洋 豐群水產


     立足於台灣高雄的豐群水產(F.C.F. Fishery Co., Ltd.),成立之初從事水產品買賣生意,歷經39載海上南征北討,今天的豐群扮演遠洋漁業供應鏈,縱橫三大洋的佈局與實力,晉身世界前三大水產品(鮪魚)貿易公司,全球建立超過30個服務網絡,包括海上基地、代理商和分公司,年營業額450億 ,2010年處理50萬噸的魚貨,服務500~600艘漁船,提供海上加油等服務,與榜上另兩間來自日本、美國的水產品巨擘,分庭抗禮。

     台灣四面環海,南部門戶城市高雄更是遠洋漁業重鎮。豐群的崛起與台灣遠洋漁業發展密不可分,台灣從四○年代開始發展遠洋漁業,七○年代,躍升為全球重要的遠洋漁業國家。探究台灣之所以能突破外交重圍,係以 Chinese Taipei 取得多數國際區域管理組織中正式會員資格,豐群董事長李文宏表示,台灣憑藉的是,長期耕耘並參與全球主要漁場,建立使用國際漁業公資源的歷史參與紀錄,獲得國際組織認可,方能繼續取得國際漁業公資源的運用及分配。


     遠洋漁業產業鏈很長,從船隊、到漁獲、到消費者手上,涉及層面既深且廣 。今日的遠洋漁業因海洋永續環保意識抬頭,環保團體直接要求市場端的大型通路商,針對所採買的魚產品保證其永續綠色政策,如此一來,改寫整個遠洋漁業的遊戲規則。李文宏表示,身為一個國際遠洋漁業重要參與者,豐群致力了解環保團體最新訴求,力求在環境保育的各項政策下,同時兼顧產業發展,這也是產業端最具挑戰的部份。談起豐群的下一步,李文宏說,要將其強項的原料魚貨透過與品牌合作等策略,更貼近消費者!