

Bernard Bialylew's Devotion to Public Welfare/做公益最快樂 Bernard Bialylew Josh DavisA A Unique Experience in Kaohsiung/挽袖做志工 Josh DavisA看高雄

Bernard Bialylew's Devotion to Public Welfare
◎English text by Lin Fang-ju
◎Photo Courtesy of Bernard Bialylew

 In 1970, French native, Bernard Bialylew, came to Kaohsiung various times on business. He now calls Kaohsiung home. Bernard gives Kaohsiung the big thumbs-up for its great living environment, advanced infrastructure, natural beauty and friendly people. Driving on some of the broad roads reminds him of driving in California.
 Since Bernard retired in 2005, he is now devoted to charity CyberDodo as pan-pacific representative. In March, Berard was interviewed in Kaohsiung by "Peschardt's People" , an independent program that is aired on BBC. This program featured some of Kaohsiung's main attractions, including the World Games 2009 Main Stadium, Love River, Lotus Lake, Night Markets and Jhouzih Wetland Park.
 Bernard says one of Kaohsiung's advantages is its port, which could replace Hong Kong as the next entry point. He feels the city government provided English training for taxi drivers; so it bothers him when a taxi driver doesn't understand where he wants to go, unless someone interprets for him. He also encourages the government to continue paying attention to and take long-lasting efforts in matters, seemingly trivial, but of great importance. This includes the unification of English road signs and strict enforcement of traffic rules. 
 CyberDodo is a non-profit organization that includes all races, genders, religions, political philosophies and social statuses. It is committed to the protection of children and the environment. Bernard's mission is to heighten public awareness on the rapid consumption of natural resources. One example he discusses, is the natural resources consumed in the manufacturing and consumption of meat. He believes everyone should be educated about these facts. He explains further, he is not suggesting everyone should become vegetarians, just that they should fully understand their impact on the environment.
※To learn more about Cyber Dodo, go to www.CyberDodo.org.

做公益最快樂 Bernard Bialylew
◎照片提供/Bernard Bialylew

 法國籍的Bernard Bialylew在1970年代就常來高雄出差,和現在的高雄相比,Bernard很肯定高雄市逐漸蛻變為一個擁有舒適生活空間的城市。Bernard表示,高雄給他「家」的感覺!他稱讚高雄市先進的基礎設施、友善的市民,以及美麗的城市景觀, Bernard說,偶爾駕車在寬廣的道路,彷彿置身美國加州。
 Bernard自2005年退休後,全力投入於「CyberDodo」公益基金會(詳見備註),擔任該基金會泛太平洋的大使,回饋社會。Bernard希望能讓社會大眾正視地球上許多資源正迅速被消耗的議題。比如,肉品的生產、製造會消耗許多資源,所以Bernard選擇吃素。他強調,不是要所有人跟著吃素食,只是每個人都應該要有知的權利,充份了解自己選擇的行為所造成的影響。今年3月,英國BBC獨立製作節目「派斯查德的名人世界」(Peschardt's People)特地到高雄訪問Bernard,也因此高雄的世運主場館、愛河、蓮池潭、黃昏市場及洲仔濕地公園等地都入鏡,隨著節目的播出將高雄的美景傳送到全球。
 Bernard表示,高雄市有很優異的條件成為取代香港的轉接站(entry point)。但他也特別提到,市政府應該要輔導、訓練計程車司機說英文,他對於司機總是要透過他人英翻中轉述才知載送地點這點很沮喪。包括統一英文路標、確實遵守交通規則等,他認為政府必須投注心力到這些容易被忽略卻很重要的的小事,並透過長時間的經營方能有成果。


Josh DavisA
A Unique Experience in Kaohsiung
◎English text by Chen Kuan-chun
◎Photo courtesy by Josh DavisA

 In 2008, Josh DavisA left his hometown of Tulsa City in the United States and came to Kaohsiung. He chose Taiwan, so he could get a better understanding of Asian culture and increase his perspective. Josh came to attend the GMBA program at National Sun Yat-sen University.
 When Josh first arrived in Kaohsiung, he was amazed by all the scooters. He now drives his own scooter and takes the MRT, just like the locals. Josh didn't realize how beautiful the campus would be until he arrived at the university. His parents visited Kaohsiung during the World Games to experience the charm of Sun Yet-sen's campus. Josh particularly enjoys the small village on the nearby mountain. He feels it has a unique atmosphere and is completely different from the city. In his leisure time, he works out at school and takes walks around campus and Kaohsiung.
 Josh sees one of the big daily differences between Taiwan and the U.S is that people in Taiwan take naps during the lunch hours. The first time he went to the NSYSU school library during lunch hour, he was shocked that everyone was not conscious at their desks. At first he thought there had been some sort of gas leak and everyone had fallen into a coma.
 Since he has been living in Kaohsiung, Josh experienced The World Games 2009 Kaohsiung. He felt it was an excellent collaboration. He also witnessed Typhoon Morakot's disaster and went out to volunteer with a team of students from NSYSU representing 10 countries. Josh is impressed with the level of social consciousness he witnessed in the Kaohsiung citizens. He said it is a rare quality in Western society and a valuable asset for Kaohsiung.
 Josh is the President of the International Student Association at National Sun Yat-sen University. He is the Liaison between Kaohsiung City and its sister city Tulsa. Josh also serves on a city Commission. He also is on the Board of Directors for Democrats Abroad Taiwan.
 Josh will graduate this July and hopes to climb Taiwan's highest peak, Yushan (Jade Mountain) before returning to the States. This will certainly be a perfect ending to his time in Taiwan.

挽袖做志工 Josh DavisA看高雄
◎照片提供/Josh DavisA

 來自美國陶沙市(Tulsa City)的Josh DavisA 於2006年來到高雄,因為想要擴展對於亞洲文化的視野,同時增進自己的專業知識,他選擇就讀於高雄國立中山大學IMBA。
 今年6月即將畢業的Josh ,足跡踏遍全台灣,他說回美國以前,他希望能有機會挑戰台灣最高峰─玉山。