

Josef Albers Minimal Means, Maximum Effect/極簡 大用 包浩斯巨匠亞伯斯

Josef Albers
Minimal Means, Maximum Effect
◎Text by Lin Fang-ju
◎Photos Courtesy of The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation/ARS, New York

 This exciting exhibition "Josef Albers: Minimal Means, Maximum Effect", now on display at the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, will be on display from April 3rd to August 1st. The exhibition is held by the KMFA and Josef and Anni Albers Foundation. It is the first of its kind in Asia. Featuring one of the great masters of minimalism and modern art history, it is the most comprehensive exhibition of its kind since "Josef Albers: In Retrospect" (1988) presented by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.
 Josef Albers is an extraordinary artist, educator and graduate of the Bauhaus Institute. He is particularly famous for popularizing Bauhaus in the United States. His "avant-garde" concept had a great influence on art history.
 The exhibition features Albers' major works and research during the various stages of his career. This includes his early paintings, glass art, photographs, furniture, typeface designs from the Bauhaus period, prints, formal studies, color research and his famous "Homage to the Square" painting from the U.S. collection. Apart from the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation exhibition, it also includes works of Albers' students on loan from the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation from Germany. A total of 250 pieces are on display at the Kaohsiung exhibition.

The History of Bauhaus
 Bauhaus was an art movement that was prevalent from 1919 to 1931. Originating in Weimar Germany it was founded in response to the political climate of the times, Bauhaus combine's architecture, craft and fine art. Founder, Walter Gropius, was an architect. The Bauhaus faculty includes famous artists Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky and Josef Albers (Director of the Glass Workshop).
 Bauhaus closed under Nazi pressure in 1933. Gropius and Albers subsequently immigrated to the United States and were responsible for popularizing Bauhaus in the United States. Bauhaus had a major impact on modern architecture. The objective was to integrate architectural design and practical function. Today, Bauhaus is no longer only a famous art institution but also an international historical art genre. Besides architecture, it had a great influence on design, modern art and education.

極簡 大用

 高雄市立美術館4月3日起至8月1日推出《極簡.大用:包浩斯巨匠亞伯斯》特展,這次展覽由高雄市立美術館與約瑟夫與安妮.亞伯斯基金會(The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation)共同合作,此展為亞伯斯這位以極簡風格著稱的現代藝術巨匠於亞洲的首次個展、也是繼1988年紐約古根漢美術館(Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum)「亞伯斯百歲冥誕紀念展」之後,最完整的一次回顧展。
 此次展品包含由亞伯斯基金會所典藏、完整涵蓋其創作生涯各階段重要創作與研究成果之作品,從早期畫作到包浩斯(Bauhaus)時期的玻璃創作、攝影、家具設計與印刷字體設計,至移居美國後之版畫、形式結構研究、色彩研究與最具代表性的《向方形致敬》(Homage to the Square)系列畫作等;同時,展覽亦包含向德國德紹包浩斯基金會借展之約瑟夫.亞伯斯教學的學生作品,共計近250件作品。
