

Meat Free Days Campaign/「每週一日無肉」活動

Meat Free Days Campaign
◎English text by Peng Hsin-yi
◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui, Yang Chan-hua, Jhang Jian Ying-hao

 Global warming is a reality with unfortunate consequences and no longer just a scientific concept. People are becoming more environmentally aware and educated about environmental issues than ever before. Last year, the Legislative Yuan passed the "Meat Free Days" initiative, encouraging citizens to refrain from consuming meat at least one day per week. This initiative was created in response to an energy saving and carbon reduction campaign, Which Kaohsiung City Government had recently proposed. In March, Kaohsiung City encouraged local schools to participate in Meat Free Days campaign. Kaohsiung City regards energy saving and carbon reduction as its highest priority. The Meat Free Monday campaign is only one of its various action plans. Mayor Chen Chu feels people from all over the world are becoming more aware that more veggies and less meat can greatly reduce greenhouse gases. Mayor Chen is committed to bettering our planet for the next generation. This includes energy and carbon reduction initiatives, carried out by Kaohsiung City Government.
 Kaohsiung City's Environmental Protection Bureau Director, Mr. Lee Mu-sheng pointed out, every kilo of beef contributes 7.64 kilos of carbon dioxide. He added this average was only based on raising a cow to the point of sale and did not include the CO2 produced in the slaughtering, transportation, and processes involved in bringing the beef to market. Another fact worth noting is the pasture and feed required to sustain livestock often leads to the reduction of prime forests. This sadly speeds up the effects of global warming. Statistics show livestock and related industries are responsible for about 20% of CO2 emissions. Therefore, by not eating meat one day a week, each person can help reduce 7 kilos of CO2 emissions.
 Kaohsiung City Government is also embracing many other energy and carbon reduction policies. Some of these initiatives include encouraging people to refrain from burning traditional ghost money, recycling two-stroke motorcycles, cash rebates for solar water heater installation, 200 kilometers of new bike paths, a public bike rental system and construction of green buildings. Kaohsiung City has also pledged to decrease carbon emissions to less than 2005 levels and reduce emissions by 30% by 2020. Kaohsiung transferring into a low emission, clean energy community.
 On March 18th, Taiwan's climate change documentary "±2℃" premiered in Kaohsiung. The screening was held at Kaohsiung's premier green building, The World Games Main Stadium. Both film and venue served as a strong reminder about global warming. Another green building worth noting is the headquarters of Ching Fu Enterprise Center. Located in Kaohsiung's Software Park it is designed primarily on the concept of energy conservation. The environmental design and slick, modern facade is truly a building-sized public art piece. The CFS headquarters is becoming another monumental green building in Kaohsiung.

◎文/冠涵 ◎攝影/鮑忠暉、楊蟬華、張簡英豪

 隨著地球暖化,環保議題備受矚目 ,立法院去年底通過「每週一日無肉」提案。高雄市政府3月起積極響應這項節能減碳運動,特別在市政會議通過「每週一日無肉」活動,並鼓勵學校參與,藉以達到溫室氣體減量目標。