



The New Charm of Historic Yancheng District/盬埕商圈 新魅力


The New Charm of Historic Yancheng District

◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi 

◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui


  With well preserved historic buildings, and a street layout that hails back to a different era, Yancheng District is a tourist magnet. It attracts those wishing to go on a cultural pilgrimage in which they can gets glimpses of the grandeur of a prosperous past. Yancheng District's history begins in 1924, when the authorities officially designated it as a district. It served as a business, financial and even administrative center. As people came, business opportunities expanded.

  In 1975, however, things changed. Many businesses migrated to other parts of Kaohsiung. As a result, Yancheng's glamor faded. However, the tide has turned yet again. Now branded for its specialty shop clusters, Yancheng District is once again pulling in consumers of all ages –to the Sinle Neighborhood "Watch and Clock Street," to "Gold Street" where there are trustworthy gold merchants, and to "Accessory Street" for trendy jewelry and knickknacks. Visiting Yancheng is an enriching experience, not only for the sense of nostalgia, but also for the exiting scenes it offers today.

寶島鐘錶販售名錶逾30年 Formosa Watch has been presenting high-end watches for over 30 years.  Dayong Street is called "Watch and Clock Street" on account of its four highly reputable watch-and-clock stores. Formosa Watch had been in business for over 30 years, and its manager Mr. Zeng Jyuan-siang says the store has presented itself as a high-end watch seller from day one, featuring luxury brands such as Rolex, Patek Philippe, Vacheron Constantin and others. With beautiful displays and themed product releases designed to complement new items, as well as a professional repair team, Formosa has been able to stay on top of current trends and the latest styles. Even though watch and clock businesses can be found on every corner, Formosa continues to welcome a stream of customers, old and new, because of its quality services and  competitive prices.

  "Gold Street" got its name because the street has more than 20 gold dealers. Mychen Jewelery was the first gold shop on this street; it is currently managed by second-generation owner Ms. Wan Yi-ling. She can recall the street in its heyday during her childhood. When a blockbuster movie was coming, the whole street would be packed with people, and she would have to turn herself sideways in order to squeeze through the crowd and make it through her own door. Mychen Jewelery has been in business for over 60 years, she says, and has always applied the philosophy of high quality and honest prices. Mychen Jewelery makes a wide array of products, including traditional items such as baby gifts and birthday gold plates given to seniors celebrating a milestone birthday, as well as fashionable gold jewelries. Customers are welcome to place personalized orders; if you can name it, Ms. Wan's team can make it.

提供專業維修服務 The store has a professional repair team.  In the Sinle Neighborhood, 40-plus accessory stores feature all kinds of fashionable jewelry. Everything you can imagine is sold here. The window displays are full of fun and imagination, and can be considered art. In Kuang Fashion Boutique, rhinestones and crystals line the walls, and the sparkles will brighten anyone's visage. An employee says Kuang Fashion Boutique has positioned itself in the medium-high price range, and every two weeks a new batch of products arrive from Korea. She says most items use Swarovski rhinestones and the quality is really outstanding. She also points out that many of the items feature "stones" with fancy cuts, achieving stunning effects that are popular with customers. Many smaller retailers come to Kuang Fashion Boutique to procure goods, but individuals are also welcome. According to the employee, the most popular brand these days is the Korean trend-setter Aznavour. The brand specializes in making jewelry using eco-friendly plant resin; their products are also hypoallergenic, so those who suffer from allergies can wear them without worry.

  It is lots of fun to walk down the street to see and feel the past, present and future of Yancheng District, all in the same moment. When you enter a shop and strike up a conversation with the owner, you might be surprised by the stories he or she tells. You will learn something new while basking in the unexpected joy that comes from experiencing Yancheng in a multidimensional way.


美珍銀樓提供一應俱全的金飾品 Mychen Jewelry offers a wide array of products.盬埕商圈 新魅力




  鹽埕區獨樹一幟的文化風格吸引旅人們前來朝聖,特殊的街廓建築透露往昔繁榮,1924年高雄市政府設置於鹽埕區,鹽埕為高雄的商業、美珍銀樓提供一應俱全的金飾品 Mychen Jewelry offers a wide array of products.金融和行政中心,人潮如織造就龐大商機,1975年商圈版圖移往其他地區後日漸沒落。現今鹽埕躍起再蛻變,新樂里鐘錶街、金子街殷實的商家吸引忠誠的老主顧,飾品街提供最時尚的潮貨,是絕對值得造訪的採購聖地。



框時尚精品展示滿室的水鑽和飾品 The walls of Kuang Fashion Boutique are bedecked with rhinestones and crystals.   而新樂里約有40家飾品店,飾品街品項多元,專業的陳列讓人耳目一新,「框時尚精品」滿室閃閃發光的水鑽和飾品讓人忍不住停下腳步,員工小馬表示,店裏貨品屬於中高價位,每2個星期從韓國進貨,她也分析店內飾品選用施華洛士奇的水鑽,因此質感較佳。她指出店內許多寶石類鑽飾以精緻切工呈現特殊造型,多元商品吸引中、小盤至店內批貨,亦提供零售販賣。她還推薦近期韓國雜誌的潮牌Aznavour,以植物性的環保樹脂製成的飾品,易過敏體質的消費者也可配戴。
