



Strolling Around Jhongyun Fishing Port on a Winter Day/冬遊中芸漁港


Strolling Around Jhongyun Fishing Port on a Winter Day

◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi

◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui


  Linyuan District is the southernmost administrative district of Kaohsiung City. Its south side has a long coastline, so naturally fisheries are central to the local economy. About 10% of the district's population works in fisheries or related industries. But Jhongyun Fishing Port is more than just an economic resource. A unique culture has developed there, based on a sense of community and kinship. For more than 60 years, this fishing town has remained true to its self, and it welcomes the world with its charm.

漁船停泊在中芸漁港 Fishing boats docked in Jhongyun Fishing Port.

  There is no good or bad time to visit Jhongyun Fishing Port. There are festivities throughout the year, and each is unique and fun. The most popular events include Mazu's birthday and Dragon Boat Festival. Mazu's birthday is the 23rd day of the third month on the traditional lunar calendar. At this time, an icon of the protector of seafarers is placed in a palanquin which processes around the harbor, symbolizing the goddess's protection over fishermen. Dragon Boat Festival takes place in early summer, and features boats which resemble dragons. Painted with vibrant colors, they look festive against the blue sky. Their graceful, slim bodies dash across the port's narrow canal as teams compete and the audience cheers.

  On a normal day, fishing boats leave the port between 4 and 5pm, and return at 6 or 7am. Linyuan's best catch in the winter is the Menidae (also called moon fish). This has been a good year, each boat having come back with a full load of approximately 20,000 kilograms (about 22 tons) on board. The fishermen were very excited about their trips, and when the boats unload, the dock is crowded and as noisy as a battlefield. But everything works in perfect harmony; the crew pulls up a gigantic net, sagging with the weight of the day's haul, while their partners arrange baskets on the dock, ready to receive the fish. All of a sudden, the net opens, and moon fish of all sizes rain into the baskets. But they are not there for long – once the baskets are weighed, they are moved to the warehouse and then to the market. Those in the know wait at the side as the boat docks, and make their purchases straight from the fishermen. The fishermen welcome them, and even point them to the biggest fish. Regulars say moon fish has a delicate texture; it is buttery and flaky regardless of its size. The only difference is that bigger ones are meatier and more satisfying to eat. These buyers all seem to have the eyes of a pro. It takes them just a few moments to decide if a fish is satisfactory, another couple of minutes to pay for the purchase, and then they leave, opening the spot for another.

皮刀魚在冬季大豐收 In winter, catches of moon fish are typically abundant.  The dock is not the only busy place, as the nearby fish market buzzes with excitement. A fishmonger picks up one fat mullet fish from a basket, and uses his practiced hands to slit it open, extract the egg sac from its belly, shape it into a beautiful golden oval, then lay it on the side. As he works, he chats with customers, many of whom are old friends. People here are all very friendly, and do not mind when visitors ask random questions. 

  To get a panoramic view of the port, the best spot is the park right across it. From there, you can see fishing boats docked in a neat row. Also worth seeing is Feng Yun Temple, the center of local religious activities. The courtyard of the temple is open to the public, and if you visit it may well be covered from side to side with mullet fish laid under the winter sun to dry. This is where the fish go after the roe has been removed. According to locals, it takes five days for the fish to ripen, and locals then use them to make a local delicacy, dried mullet and pork belly stew. 

  Jhongyun Fishing Port is a great leisure destination. There, you can experience the special character of a fishing town, and bring home seasonal treats such as moon fish and dried mullet, so you can savor the flavor of the sea at home.


晒烏魚干 Drying mullet fish冬遊中芸漁港







漁船卸貨 Unloading a fishing boat  此時,泊著漁船的中芸漁港外圍,早市已如火如荼的進行著。一攤頗具規模的魚販正忙著從成簍烏魚中挑出烏魚子,魚販從容處理著手裏偌大的烏魚,一會工夫就整理好一對肥美澄黃的烏魚子,順手又從籃子撈起另一尾烏魚。魚販與採買魚貨的老主顧話家常,這裡的居民很和善,全然不介意外地人隨意提問,親切地像家人般。

