

Modern Digital Gadgets/現代人的數位行頭

Modern Digital Gadgets/現代人的數位行頭  

 According to statistics, 36 percent of people aged above 15 in Taiwan can be categorized as "digiterati"-individuals who frequently use various digital gimmicks such as PDA, wireless stock quote receiver, cell phone, digital camera, pager, laptop and desktop computers, etc. These consumers always first equip themselves with desktop or laptop PCs because with computers, they can process and download data and information and communicate with other digital peripherals.

 What digital peripherals to acquire then depends on personal needs. For example, for those dreaming of colorful and joyful life, digital camera is an ideal option. Unlike traditional cameras, digital ones can show immediate results and users can try repeatedly without films until they get satisfactory shots. Then they can import the photos into a PC for editing, make computer wallpapers out of the photos, send the photos to their friends via email, or turn the photos into fashionable photo stickers (originated from Japanese purikura) by selecting numerous frames and backgrounds from certain imaging software.

 Those who have a busy career can choose a digital PDA (personal data assistant). Modern PDAs are more than just memo pads they used to be. PDAs for businessmen, for example, have business management, traffic navigation, scheduling services, etc. Those for students or the young include MP3 player, photo album, electronic dictionary, and games. For housewives, PDAs can provide lunar calendar, weights and measurements, or account book functions. And PDAs with navigation system and guiding service are huge hits with car drivers.

 For people who need to check email and access Internet all the time, GPRS cell phones are the must to have. With the "always-on" Internet service that GPRS cell phones provide, users can surf the Net anytime anywhere till the battery goes dead.





  因此,PDA不僅限於商務人士使用,有些內含隨身相簿、MP3音樂、電子翻譯、電子遊戲等功能就非常適合年輕朋友或在校學生;而家計簿、度量衡、農民曆等功能的設計則最適合家庭主婦;對於開車族而言, PDA 的導航系統還可提供停車位找尋、路線圖指引服務,最是貼心!
