

Magnificent Mountains in Taoyuan Township/群峰競秀 桃源鄉

Magnificent Mountains in Taoyuan Township/群峰競秀 桃源鄉 

Situated in the northeast of Kaohsiung County, Taoyuan Township encompasses 929 sq. km with less than 5,000 residents. Eentering the township from Paolai, Liukuei Township, you are well on your way to a wonderful journey accompanied by mountains and clouds.

 The Threshold to South Cross-Island Highway Scenic Area
 Taoyuan Township is located on the Central Mountain Range with SCIH running through, the only road connecting to the outer world. From Taoyuan Village to Takuanshan Tunnel, you'll pass Meishan, Likuan, Chungchih Kuan to reach Tienchih and Yakou. The vegetation changes as altitude rises, from broadleaf trees and scrubs to mountain grasslands and conifers. The dazzling variations of sea clouds in Kuanshan conjure up a breathtaking view.

 Cloud Formations
 Tourists usually stop in Taoyuan Village to rest and appreciate the cultures of Bunun, the most mobile aboriginal tribe, whose footprints spread all over the Central Mountain Range, hence its "guardians." Bunun people revere nature and hold an abundance of tattoos, witchcraft, myths and festivals.

 Bunun tribe subsists on agricultural and hunting activities, boasting diverse festivals: Weeding Festival, Plaque-Expelling Festival, and Ear-Shooting Festival in spring; Infant Festival in summer, Ground-Opening Festival; and Millet Seed Sowing Festival in fall. The most prominent is Ear-Shooting Festival, de facto harvest festival, during which boys shoot deer (or pig) ears to practice archery skills and tribesmen perform Pasibutbut - eight tunes sung in unison - to create heavenly melodies.

Bunun Cultures
 Yushan National Park, over 1,000 sq. km in total, covers one third of land in Taoyuan Township. Encircling 30 mountains, the subtropical high mountain park contains an information center, Bunun cultural center, youth activity center, and botanical garden of indigenous species.

 Tienchih towers 2,205 meters above sea level and its water never freezes. Tourist can hike or enjoy scenic views on the vast grassland by the lake. Takuanshan Tunnel, 2,731 meters above sea level and some 615 meters in length, is the highest point along SCIH, cutting through Kuanshan Peak, where you can enjoy the sight of cloud formations of seas and waterfalls.






  海拔2205公尺的天池,是地名也是湖名,高山湖泊天池就在山坡上,湖水終年不涸,為南橫中段著名風景點,旁為寬闊的草原,規劃有停車場、公廁、步道系統供遊客健行、賞景,並築有長青祠,紀念因開闢南橫公路而不幸殉職的 116 位先鋒者,134K處設有天池警察小隊。

  大關山隧道是南橫的最高點,海拔2731 公尺,隧道長約 615 公尺,也是高雄、台東兩縣縣界,攔腰貫穿百岳之一的關山嶺山,是觀賞雲海及雲瀑的好地方。