

Land People Exile Yeh Shihtao v.s. Gao Xingjian /土地 人民 流亡─葉石濤 高行健 文學對話
 Land People Exile Yeh Shihtao v.s. Gao Xingjian /土地 人民 流亡─葉石濤 高行健 文學對話

During his "Taiwanese Cultural Tour," Gao Xingjian, the 2000 Nobel Laureate in Literature, met and talked with Taiwanese writer Yeh Shihtao. Gao was forced into exile in France for the freedom of speech due to the Cultural Revolution, while Yeh, who has survived the White Terror regime in Taiwan, opted to embrace his motherland. Following is an excerpt of their dialogue.

 Literary testimony
 Gao: I can't agree more with Mr. Yeh that a writer is an observer who puts down faithfully the vicissitudes of life. Literature is testimonies that transcend human existence.

 Freedom and Humanity
 Yeh: I've read One Man's Bible and Soul Mountain. Mr. Gao's writing about the Cultural Revolution appeals to me. Though I was unable to exile like Mr. Gao did, I know we were both in search of freedom and humanity.

 Exile is my rebirth
 Gao: My major works were completed after I went into exile. I was reborn from the exile.
During exile, I had been able to finish things that would have taken me three lives in China.
 It's suicidal for exile writers to indulge in memories and nostalgia. For their exile to be meaningful, they should get involved in local cultural creation.

 Two inspiring playwrights
 Gao: Brecht and Artaud have had great influence on my writing. They both like and were inspired by oriental plays, so I was prompted to ponder over what inspiration I could get from oriental plays too.

 China in my heart
 Gao: I'm proud of my exile identity. I admitted in writing my identity as a political refugee. China has abundant heritage and culture. If you ask me where China is? I always answer: "China is in my heart; China is me."

 Never lose the ability to observe
 Yeh: Writers dislike politics. Though writers can never be immune to politics, they should never get involved. Otherwise, they'll lose the ability to observe objectively.
 Gao: I concur with you. Writers should maintain independent thinking.

 Human concerns behind writing
 Gao: I think literature transcends time and individuals. I write my thoughts freely. And I don't pursue the kind of literature loaded with numerous purposes. There should be life experiences behind each creation.

 The story of my people
 Yeh: I have studied Taiwan's Siraya aboriginals for more than ten years. And I traced down my ancestral root back to the Longchi Township where the Kuling Lake was once a Siraya village. So when I write about Siraya, I actually write about my people.

⊙資料提供:文學台灣基金會 ⊙紀錄整理:徐碧霞 ⊙摘要:本刊編輯部









