

Spotlight on the One-Year Countdown to The World Games 2009 / 明年看我 2009高雄世運倒數一週年系列活動

Spotlight on the One-Year Countdown to The World Games 2009

◎Text by Fu-Ju Lin
◎Photos by Chia-Tse Kao and Chung-Hui Pao

陳菊市長在「世運倒數一週年大遊行」致詞時強調「迎世運,我們準備好了!」   Once the Beijing Olympics come to an end, Kaohsiung's will be preparing for its turn in the spotlight. Next summer, Kaohsiung City Government will have the honor of hosting the World Games 2009. Various events have been organized to mark the one year countdown to this great event. The city government hopes people from all over the world will come and participate in the World Games.

 The Kaohsiung World Games will begin on July 16, 2009. Therefore, the one-year countdown series also began in July 2008. The first event was known as, "Dancing your way to the World Games" and was held on July 5-10. Thirty dance troupes from all over southern Taiwan performed various dance routines at the Kaohsiung MRT Central Park Station. Dance styles included modern, ballroom, aboriginal and street dance. The performance was truly a success and a great crowd pleaser.

 The "International Street Art Festival" , also designed to mark the year countdown, was held on July11-20. Fifty Taiwanese and eight professional street art groups from seven countries participated in the event. "Fantasy Meets Quixotism" themed performances were also held at Urban Spotlight / Central Park. The international groups have all been frequent performers at the Edinburgh Arts Festival in Scotland, the Festival d'Avignon in France and many other large-scale art festivals.

 The Australian LV Somersault Troupe's performance opened the festival. This troupe had previously performed at the grand opening of Taipei's LV flagship store. Their outstanding technique delighted Kaohsiung audiences.

 The most important of the countdown series was the World Games Parade, held on July 13th from 5:00-7:00 PM. The parade made its way down Kaohsiung's "Formosa Boulevard"(Jhongshan 2nd Road between Singuang Road and Mingsheng Road), showcasing various artistic exhibitions and a cheerful atmosphere. More than three thousand people participated in the parade, including President of the International World Games Association (IWGA), central government authorities, local athletes and Taiwanese athletes that have won at some of the past World Games. There were also performing groups from Kaohsiung and Pingtung, foreign street artists from the Edinburgh Arts Festival and the Festival d'Avignon, and students from Kaohsiung's most prestigious schools. The parade was met with applause from local residents, who gathered to cheer on Kaohsiung's 2009 World Games.

 On July 16, exactly one year before the World Games, Mayor Chu Chen announced the one-year countdown and presided over the debut of the World Games theme song and video. The theme song is performed live by vocalist Pei-An Yong and embodies the spirit of Kaohsiung City's hospitality. 

 Ron Froehlich (President of the IWGA) also participated in some of the count-down events. Mr. Froehlich observed, the World Games is not just about sports but also about culture. The fusion of street art performances and sports is guaranteed to make the World Games a great success. His remarks created a great deal of excitement and a collective sense of anticipation for Kaohsiung's World Games.


明年看我  2009高雄世運倒數一週年系列活動


世運大遊行以藝術踩街型態呈現熱鬧氛圍,遊行隊伍受到民眾熱情的掌聲,為2009 高雄世運加油!The World Games Parade made its way down Kaohsiung's  在2008北京奧運於今年夏季落幕後,世人的矚目焦點,就轉移到明年夏天在高雄舉行的2009世運會。為了迎接明年的盛會,身為東道主的高雄市,在距離世運會一週年,接連主辦多項活動,慶祝倒數一週年的到來,也向世人宣示,歡迎明年夏天到高雄參與2009 高雄世運。



 此次系列活動中最受矚目的是7月13 日登場的「世運倒數一週年大遊行」,當天下午5時至7時在「高雄市美麗島大道」(沿中山二路自新光路起至民生路)盛大舉行。世運大遊行以藝術踩街型態呈現熱鬧氛圍,參與遊行人數達3,000人以上,包括世運總會會長、中央單位、國內體育界人士、代表我國參加歷屆世運奪牌選手等貴賓,在高高屏表演團隊、劇團、國外街頭藝人、高雄優秀的學校樂儀隊及樂旗隊陪伴下,接受高雄市民熱情的掌聲,一起為為2009 高雄世運加油!

 7月16日倒數一週年當天,陳菊市長在市府宣佈「2009高雄世運」正式進入倒數365天,並同時舉行世運主題曲MV 的首播,主唱人楊培安以高亢、熱情的嗓音現場演唱,也宣示高雄市已經準備好要當個稱職的主人。

 應邀來參加一系列活動的世運IWGA主席Ron Froehlich,對此一系列活動稱讚有加,他表示:「世界運動會不僅僅只有運動而已,在許多重要且成功的運動會中,永遠缺少不了文化活動的參與,而街頭藝術表演的加入將使世界運動會更加完善。唯有藝術、文化與運動相結合,世界運動會才會成功。」
