



2009Kaohsiung Film Festival / 2009高雄電影節

2009Kaohsiung Film Festival

◎English text by Hsin-Yi Peng 
◎Photos courtesy of Chia-Tse Kao, Kaohsiung Film Archive

 The Kaohsiung Film Festival was launched in 2001. Now in its ninth year, Mr. Wun-tang Jheng has been the festival's chairman for the past five years. He believes Kaohsiung's Film Festival has distinguishable characteristics, allowing it to stand out from other film festivals. One of these characteristics is to present themes that the local people can identify with. It also attempts to secure as many films as possible to be premiered at the festival. The chairman hopes the film festival will continue to offer a very diverse content for its audiences and increasingly draw movie enthusiasts to Southern Taiwan. These festivals clearly exemplify Kaohsiung's energy and unique direction it is now embarking on.

 This year's film festival mascot was Fire Ball Man. Fire Ball Man was created as a true movie hero and once again has greatly assisted in making the Kaohsiung Film Festival a great success. It is clear Southern Taiwan has a large base of movie fans. This year's film festival theme was "Hero/ Antihero". The theme was designed to illustrate that although there is no super hero who would be able to save the world, there are many ordinary people whose everyday struggles have produced truly heart-warming stories. Although their experiences may seem rather passive and unassuming; however we are able to see they too are ultimately heroes. These types of characters are known as antiheroes. Antiheroes usually bring forth simple messages such as, "the future is only as good as you are willing to fight for".

 The large selection of featured films included a number of Japanese, European and American productions. Japanese films embrace a wide spectrum of movie genres and are always well-received with Taiwanese audiences. These movies illustrate how movie professionals work, their different methods of artistic expression and various techniques. This year's festival also included more Korean and Indian movies in its Asian show case, broadening the audience's Asian film perspective.

 One significant change that has occurred over the last few years is the purchasing of tickets for Film Festival screenings. However, this has not affected the attendance, which has significantly increased over the years. The festival's movie selections have also become more diverse. The result has been an increase in local popularity and movie buffs that come from out of town.

※Kaohsiung Film Archive

 Alongside hosting the Film Festival, the Kaohsiung City Government has also created bursaries and subsidies for production crews that film in Kaohsiung and contribute to the city's image. The Kaohsiung Film Archive is located on the banks of the Love River and operates as a movie theater for the local people. It hosts "movie-related" activities year round and boasts an extensive collection of books and films. The Film Archive is open from Tuesday to Sunday and all are welcomed to come and utilize this audio-visual library.

 For a little over three years, Kaohsiung Film Archive has been sponsoring a variety of campaigns such as the popular "Images of Kaohsiung" photography exhibit. There have also been a number of movies produced with the sponsorship of the Kaohsiung Film Archive and special screenings at the Kaohsiung Film Festivals which included such films as "Sumimasen, Love", and "No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti". "No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti" went on to be nominated in several categories at the Golden Horse Awards, including "Best Film". The Kaohsiung Film Archive website has put out a list of 100 recommended sites to film in Kaohsiung and provides video digital 3-D imaging, so film makers can get a good perspective of these locations without having to physically go out to see them, hence saving them hours of precious production time. The Filmmaking Assistance Center was established in June and has already received rave reviews. The assistance center is another example of the city government's commitment to the movie industry. The center provides assistance in preproduction, shooting locations, communications, coordination, postproduction, marketing and promotion. It is truly a consolidation of film production support. Film crews can also use meeting rooms and other spaces at the center for production meetings, film editing, storage, and audition purposes.

 Kaohsiung City Government also provides qualified applicants with subsidies for accommodation for cast and crews when filming in Kaohsiung. The city goverment will also sponsor half the price for the tickets when these movies are screened in Kaohsiung. The city also grants a 10 million NT dollar award if over a 1/4 of the content is filmed in Kaohsiung and subsequently wins an award at one of the six major international film festivals. Kaohsiung has spared no efforts in creating a favorable environment for movie professionals. Kaohsiung hopes its beautiful mountains, ocean, rivers and ports will be featured in numerous films and presented to movie fans all over the world.




※符合多元期待 高雄電影節受肯定







※軟硬體升級 全方位政策協助劇組拍片




Mayor Chu Chen(left) and Wun-Tang Jheng (right), the movie festival's chairman, attended the opening ceremony of Kaohsiung Film Festival. Mr. Jheng believes that Kaohsiung's Film Festival has distinguishable characteristics, allowing it to stand out from other film festivals.

One significant change that has occurred over the last few years is the purchasing of tickets for Film Festival screenings which increased by 30% over last year.

Many Taiwanese directors attended the festival plenary sessions which enabled the directors to interact with audiences.

Kaohsiung Film Festival featured a large selection of films including Japanese, European and American Productions.