



Reaching out for the 2010 Asian Games/熱情‧團結‧萬人印心迎亞運

Reaching out for the 2010 Asian Games/熱情‧團結‧萬人印心迎亞運 

At the press conference marking the third anniversary of the mayoralty of Kaohsiung, Mayor Hsieh pledged to lead Kaohsiung City to host the 2010 Asian Games by stamping a personal chop on a big placard-token for the city's ambition, along with his subordinates and award-winning athletes of the city.

 Mayor Hsieh said 2001 was an important year in the history of Kaohsiung, for many projects have been completed or kicked off, including the merger of the city and harbor administration, the groundbreaking of the KMRT system and the global logistics center, the completion of sea-air intermodal transport, the NT$50 billion foreign investment solicited by the city's trade mission abroad, the higher percentage of Tax Redistribution Fund earmarked for Kaohsiung, the beginning of the NT$15 billion tap water improvement project, the cleaning up of Love River and Chienchen River.

 To make the citizens' dreams come true, Mayor Hsieh said that he would step up his efforts in the future, focusing on improving the city's security and infrastructure such as the completion of a giant sports dome and an international convention center. Also he and his administration would race against time in an effort to create a consensus on having Kaohsiung as the host city for the 2010 Asian Games.



  謝市長表示,高雄過了關鍵的一年,贏得歷史性的進步:高雄市完成了市港合一、開啟了捷運元年、推動了全球運籌管理中心,完成海空聯運、出國招商, 500 億外資「錢進港都」、打破首都特權,讓統籌分配款比例變更、執意爭取 150億的自來水改善計畫已經啟動、讓愛河復甦了、讓前鎮河復活了......,這些政策將影響高雄未來 100 年的發展。謝市長表示,未來仍將全力以赴,首要強化治安,同時奠穩巨蛋、國際會議中心等重大建設基礎;期許藉由爭辦亞運等世界級活動充分激發城市潛能,創造市民共同生活經驗,凝聚對港都的向心力。
