



University's Superb Fire Dancers/薪火相傳 火舞表演

University's Superb Fire Dancers

◎English translation: Lin Fu-ju 

◎Photos by Lin Yu-en


火舞社員教導永安之家小朋友運轉LED棍棒。Touring members teach how to grasp LED-lit sticks at Yongan Children's Home National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology (First Tech) is the home of a unique club which performs Fire Dancing. The club was established in 2011, when President Kuo Yan-fu was still in his sophomore year. He recalls how he himself began with the basics and describes Fire Dance as an artistic and technical combination of music and choreography. Fire Dance can't often be seen, and their audiences have been left enthralled and awestruck. Kuo admits he enjoys the loud cheers and applause.
 Two other prominent members of the club include Lin Cheng-lu and Chu Chun-lin. Lin Cheng-lu is the only girl in the group, who draws inspiration from the girl who won Taiwan's Fire Dance championship last year. Chu Chun-lin is an MA candidate, in the Department of Performing Arts at Shu-Te University. He is the club's instructor and has been supervising the three-hour practices, twice a week, since the club began. He hopes more people will get to see Fire Dancing and that they understand it is a safe performance.
 During the summer vacation, the Fire Dance club toured Taiwan. The tour was created to spread awareness about Fire Dance and performed for hospitalized children and seniors. The club's students recently received grants from the National Youth Commission, Executive Yuan and Ministry of Education to cover the tour's expenses. Eight of the club's students traveled by motorcycle and performed in 17 locations in 14 cities. Unfortunately, the tour didn't begin very smoothly. On the very first day, the students got hit by a typhoon and heavy rains. This, however, did not discourage them and they pushed on with enthusiasm and performed well for the audience.
室內LED表演In-door performances with LED-lit sticks(上圖)。火舞Fire dancing(下圖)。 The hearty rounds of applause haven't come so easily for these performers. They must go through a series of repetitive practices, in order to get a good grasp on the basic techniques. It usually takes performers two months to get a grasp on controlling the sticks. They also need to learn modern dance and how to perform in front of various audiences. It takes tremendous passion and dedication to complete the process.
 Safety is another concern for the fire dancers, so fire sticks are only used outdoors, while in-door performances use LED-lit sticks. Performers cannot wear clothes made of flammable fabrics such as silk. Therefore, they must learn how to perform in fireproof fabrics and how to safely use the kerosene and torches. They must also make sure they keep a safe distance from the audience in case a stick drops during the performance. During performances, one person stays within a safe distance, in order to assist the audience in the rare case of an emergency. Wet towels are also present and used in case of fire or injury. Chu only allows performers to use flames when they get a good control of the sticks.
 Chu Chun-lin explains fire dancing gives him a sense of belonging and excitement from being in control of fire. He loves integrating fire with dance. He speaks with high regard of his fellow club members; particularly praising their unlimited enthusiasm.  Other club members mentioned they appreciated the opportunities they have had to meet other professionals in the field. It has helped them expand their social network and increased self-confidence.


永安之家頒獎典禮Award presentation at Yongan Children's Home薪火相傳 火舞表演


