



Beautifying the Cityscape Wufu and Wine Chimes Pedestrian Path 高雄造街運動時代來臨 五福步道與城市風鈴步道

 Kaohsiung is spending a good deal of effort beautifying the cityscape, after successfully installing of 'Urban Spotlight' and 'Great Plaza for Civic Art'; the city has changed from a lost space to a new recreational and artistic space. Wufu Road, in front of its Junior High School and Mingchuan Road around Kaohsiung Commercial and Vocational High aim to catch your eye.
 These two places were designed to watch the people having a good time, with shuttling back and forth, which breaks down the alienation of closure and extends the field of vision in and out of the school. The ball field has also become one with the street to combine both into a 'street-sports complex'.

In Response to 'Great Plaza' for Civic Art
 Part of Wufu Junior High School is programmed with a parent's pick-up area. Meanwhile, a program was been designed by our English, Music, and Chinese teachers from the school, kind of an ecological classroom with a name card for the trees with their characteristics, an electric screen for teaching everyday English is provided, and a 'street broadcasting station' is run by the Music teachers and a student committee. Also 'the poem at the underpass entrance' has replaced the transparent light boxes, and an overlay of poetry on the glass walls. After remodeling, the part of Wufu Jonior High and the Great Plaza for Civic Art opposite takes shape into contrasting ideas but interactive with the scenery of the pedestrian path. 

'Sound Scenery' concept first seen in Kaohsiung!
 Sound Scenery' concept can be seen and heard and heard along Mingchuan Road. At the 'chime closure', the 'Wind Chimes Pedestrian Path' dances in the wind, which brings a lovely sound. This fantastic sound is a part of the impression on the street; it also delivers 'a scenery heart' of happiness to people. 
 The other core of Wind Chimes Pedestrian Path is a 'play lane'. The dancing water in the pool entrance covers the water pipes with intensified glass light boxes. The lights and shadows are of various hues. The 'Dancing light' upon Sheaman Street blends with the variety of the floor lights, which creates a picture of children chasing lights and shadows. At the same time, the Design department, teachers and students of Kaohsiung Commercial and Vocational High also join the program to give residents along Mingchuan Road a suitable space for playing and relaxing. The main point is to create a place for children to play safely and in their search for street space, find a better life.

Creating a more friendly urban space
 In fact, beautifying the streetscape in Kaohsiung is not only to improve the living environment, but also via serving and sharing the communities to find an ideal quality of urban street space. This is to place pedestrians first, and enable them to take a rest when they are tired and to enjoy the cool air when it is hot. It will not be so hard for us to walk in this city anymore, it is going to be a pleasant and happy experience.
 Gradually, people discover that it is a pleasant to live and work in Kaohsiung, and the relationship between people and urban space are not like strangers but a communication with space, which is like to carry the graceful atmosphere away with you anytime. This is going to be a friendly urban place.

  雄市正進行著一項美麗的「造街運動」,繼「城市光廊」、「市民藝術大道」像被魔杖點過一般、從都市遺落的空間轉變成為新興的休憩與藝文空間之後,五福國中前之五福路以及鄰近高雄高級商業職業學校的民權路段,也 有了令人眼睛為之一亮的變化。


  而民權路段則有著高雄首見的「音景」(sound scape)概念,「風鈴圍牆」上,風一吹來,步道風鈴便隨之舞動,傳出陣陣悅耳鈴聲,而這美妙聲音將成為街頭印象的一部份,為經過的人們帶來愉悅的「心景」。
