



Classical Guitar Soloist Lin Chia-wei/古典吉他演奏家林家瑋

Classical Guitar Soloist Lin Chia-wei

◎English written by Peng Hsin-yi
◎Photos by William Jhangjian

     Twenty-three year old, Lin Chia-wei is a highly acclaimed guitar soloist. With an astounding ability to capture entire audiences, he is well on his way to becoming an international classical star. In 2010, he was victorious in competitions in Germany, Greece, and Vienna and gained great momentum in the world of international classical music. One particularly prestigious award was the Karl Scheit in Vienna; a competition held every four years, requiring competitors to play flawlessly for at least 100 minutes.

     In November 2011, Mr. Lin performed with the Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra and Qingdao Chamber Orchestra. This marked his first performance in his hometown of Kaohsiung. The warm guitar sounds were harmonious with violins and then the entire orchestra, bringing the audience to an almost meditative state. Mr. Lin's masterful performance of distinct layers, unique to classical guitar compositions was clearly brought forth with heart and soul. He seemingly maintained the audience's attention with only his fingertips and won over his fellow Kaohsiung citizens, even though many were previously unfamiliar with the musical genre. His performance ended with a humble bow and thunderous applause and cheers from an extremely appreciative audience.

     Lin Chia-wei's classical guitar career began at the tender age of four. Under the tutelage of his father, he spent most of his time outside of school and homework, playing guitar. Although they lived in Kaohsiung, his father would take him to Taiwan's most famous guitarist, Huang Shou-lee for private lessons in Taichung. When Lin Chia-wei received a sponsorship from CEO Liao Lu-li of Merry Electronics Co. LTD, his dreams of studying in Europe became a reality. At twenty, he moved to Cologne, Germany to study under world-renowned guitarist Mr. Hubert Kappel at the Hochschule fur Musik Koln (Cologne University of Music). He began participating in competitions all over Europe, which proved extremely valuable in building his career. It exposed him to several music techniques and provided the opportunity to speak with and receive feedback from leading classical musicians. Each time he felt his work was taken to a higher level.

     Classical music is deeply embedded in European culture, so Lin Chia-wei drew inspiration from living in an environment saturated in such rich musical heritage. He would channel his emotions into his music and would often go back to pieces he had already worked, to see if he had evolved in any way.

     With an unquestionable passion for classical music, Lin Chia-wei continues to carve out a future as an internationally recognized guitar soloist. His future plans include participating in as many competitions as possible and performing his music to wider and larger audiences. With his God-given talent and relentless pursuit for perfection, he hopes to use his career to promote his music. Lin Chia-wei believes the guitar's most endearing quality is the subtle vibration it touches him in such a way that it is actually speaking for him. He hopes to continue to bring a sense of wonder to his music and reach out to larger audiences.




     被譽為「台灣未來大師 」的古典吉他演奏家林家瑋,談起吉他最迷人之處在於吉他可以發出很小的聲音,小到貼近自己的內心。2011年11 月,結合林家瑋的古典吉他獨奏、高雄市交響樂團與青島室內樂團聯合演出,這也是林家瑋首度在家鄉高雄公開演出。

     儘管演出經驗豐富,謝場時 ,這位23歲的年輕演奏家流露出緬靦的笑容。音質溫暖的吉他在音色明亮的小提琴及眾多樂器中,始終表現得不慍不火 ,卻又迷人得讓人無法忽視,慢曲中尤其展現吉他彈奏層次分明,格外動人。於是乎,台灣聽眾不甚熟悉的古典吉他音樂,在林家瑋指尖移動的詮釋下,以豐富的表現技巧,演繹出古典吉他音樂的生命力。

     去(2010)年是林家瑋豐收的一年,不斷參加德國、希臘、維也納等古典吉他賽,屢獲佳績,是備受矚目的後起之秀。2001年每4年比賽一次的維也納卡爾. 夏伊特(International Guitar Competition Karl Scheit)大賽,參賽者須演奏100分鐘的曲目,挑戰難度甚高,林家瑋擊敗各國好手,拿下首獎,台灣來的林家瑋,演奏實力技驚歐洲古典吉他樂壇。

     4歲起,林家瑋在父親啟蒙之下學習古典吉他,他回想起兒時,鮮少跟同學玩耍,課餘時間都用於練琴,他的父親林功信察覺孩子的天份,帶他往返高雄 、台中,向知名的音樂教授黃修禮學習古典吉他,在林家瑋出國前夕,美律實業公司廖董事長因為愛才,贊助他赴德 ,在家人和貴人的支持下,讓林家瑋的音樂之路走得更為篤定。

     林家瑋20歲負笈德國 Koln Musikhochschule 音樂學院進修,師事德國吉他音樂家卡波爾(Hubert Kaeppel),此後不斷至歐洲各地累積參賽經驗,他提起藉由參賽,他的眼界一次比一次更加開闊,除了觀摩參賽者的音樂表達方式及彈奏技巧,比賽時更能與專業人士交流,獲得寶貴建議。林家瑋稱讚歐洲同學深厚的文化養成,有助於詮釋音樂時,賦予樂曲豐富的情感。林家瑋表示,他每隔一段時間會重新練習同一首曲子,以檢視自己在技巧或是情感表達是否能到達更成熟的境界。
