



Pacific Rim Parks Selects Cijin District to develop their Next Park/「環太平洋國家公園」計畫選定旗津


   Pacific Rim Parks Selects Cijin District to develop their Next Park

    ◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi 

    ◎Photos courtesy: Pao Chung-hui


陳菊市長(左二)與PRP代表簽署合作備忘錄。Mayor Chen Chu (second left) signs memorandum with PRP representatives. US-based, nonprofit organization, Pacific Rim Parks (PRP) has been building parks since 1994. Their mission is to bridge cultural differences, celebrate nature and promote respect for the environment. On August 30, 2012, PRP's Founder and Executive President James Hubble and President Kyle Bergman signed a memorandum with Mayor Chen Chu to construct a park in the Cijin District of Kaohsiung. The groundbreaking ceremony will be held in July, 2013 and the park will be opened at the end of August, 2013.
 Cijin was the first District in Taiwan to be selected for participation in a PRP project. The organization selected Cijin due to its diversity, beauty and location.
 Kaohsiung is the Maritime Capital of Taiwan and therefore treasures the rich resources that come from the ocean. It is a great honor to become a member of Pacific Rim Parks and an opportunity to exhibit its environmental awareness to the world. In an interview, Mayor Chen stated; "This park will be a great inspiration to our Kaohsiung residents and hopefully encourage them to become more engaged in Green issues and environmental protection, thus better safeguarding our ocean resources."
 PRP Cijin Project leader is Professor Hsieh Wo long from the National Kaohsiung Normal University. However, the project will be carried out by mostly Taiwanese and foreign students that hail from Pacific Rim nations. Together they will create ocean-themed public art and dedicate them to other countries along the Pacific Rim. The project focuses on reaching out to others that live on and around the ocean and create strong bonds through cultural exchange. Currently, there are six other PRP parks around the Pacific Rim, located in Vladivostok, Russia, San Diego, USA, Yantai, China, Tijuana, Mexico, Puerto Princesa, Philippines, and Jeju, Korea.
 Kaohsiung will also be hosting the Asian Pacific Cities Summit (APCS) from September 16th to 20th in 2013. Since the PRP Park in Cijin will have been completed by then, visitors will be able to enjoy this new addition.






      徜徉海風與陽光之間,享受海天一色的開闊景致,這是高雄旗津,環太平洋國家公園組織(Pacific Rim Parks (PRP) Organization)選定的下一座公園建設預定地,也是台灣首次入選環太平洋公園的場域。

      8月30日,PRP創辦人暨執行總監James Hubbell、主席Kyle Bergman與高雄市長陳菊簽署合作備忘錄,預計2013年暑假7月開始建造,同年8月底完工。

高雄旗津 Cijin, Kaohsiung      「高雄是海洋首都,擁有豐富的海洋資源及獨特在地文化,很榮幸能受邀參與此計畫,期望透過此公園的建設,拓展高雄的國際能見度,並提升市民朋友的環保意識,共同守護海洋資源。」簽署合作備忘錄當天,陳市長道出高雄獲選的優勢,以及對這項計畫的期盼。

      PRP是跨國際的非營利組織,在1990年代初期,由美國藝術家哈貝爾James Hubbell發起,希望串連環太平洋的30 多個國家以及11個太平洋島嶼國家的公園。PRP台灣計畫總監同時也是國立高雄師範大學謝臥龍教授表示,此計畫主要是由本國學生及來自環太平洋國家的國際學生共同參與、創作詮釋海洋文化的公共藝術,以此獻給環太平洋國家與當地人民,藉此藝術創作,連結著海洋世界與海洋生命,促進彼此文化的連結與交流。




      Kaohsiung MRT Gangshan South Station is Expected to open by End of 2012

      ◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui


      Gangshan South Station is the final station on the northern end of the Kaohsiung MRT Red Line. On October 16, test rides were conducted by Mayor Chen Chu. Mayor Chen assessed the overall performance and test integrity. As soon as local inspections are completed, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications will evaluate the final assessments. If the station passes the standards test, it will be open as early as December, 2012, with MRT service running all the way to Gangshan South Station.






     捷運紅線最北端的南岡山站已於10月16 日試運轉,市長陳菊檢視各項施工進度及整合測試成果,陳市長表示年底前爭取交通部履勘通過,即可通車營運。