



Exploring Mount Dagan/大崗山後山 地景探索


Exploring Mount Dagan

◎English translation: Wendy Wei Chang 

◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui


情人洞的結晶壁面Crystals at entrance of Lover's Cave  Mount Dagang is 4.4 kilometers in length and 2 kilometers in width. It spans the Tianliao, Alian, and Gangshan Districts. With it many scenic spots, it makes a great day trip. Some of its unique scenery includes Panlong Gorge, Tianling and Lover's Caves, Stone Breasts and Stone Breats' Gorge. Senior tour guide, Jhang Mei-juan from the Dagangshan Humanist Association describes the region's hidden gems.

  The 247-meter long Panlgong Gorge was discovered in 2001, by the Dagangshan Humanist Association. It was named after the Burnie Vines (known as Panlong in Chinese), which were found growing all over the gorge's rocks. The Panlong Gorge was formed when the mountain's coral limestone rocks have been torn apart by shifting plates. Upon entry, there is an obvious drop in temperature. Although the weather in the region is typically hot, the gorge remains cool throughout the year. Panlong Gorge can be reached from the Shanding Highway. With its safe, flat trails, it makes a great family friendly adventure.

石母乳一線天Stone Breasts' Gorge  Ms. Jhang points out the limestone caves serve as a habitat for many of the gorge's creatures. Stalactites hang on the rock walls, making it especially interesting for tourists. There are also several diverse ecosystems and various ferns, vines, Banyan trees and taro plants that can be found all over the gorge. Ms. Jhang warns tourists to be careful of snakes on the trails and to rustle the grass to ensure snakes are scared away.

  Continuing along the path to the Stone Breasts and Stone Breasts' Gorge scenic spots, visitors can rest at a pavilion near Tianling Cave. At this elevated spot one can watch high speed rail trains passing by and on a clear day see as far as the Sinda Power Plant at Sinda Port. It is also very scenic at night with hundreds of lights shimmering in the dark.

  Follow the path from Stone Breasts' Gorge to the majestic coral limestone of Lover's Cave. This cave has recently become popular with nature lovers. With its breathtaking crystals at the cave's narrow entrance forces visitors to crawl for a short distance before they can stand up again. It is suggested that visitors should enter the cave with a professional guide as they can learn the proper way to explore a cave and more about Mount Dagan's eco-diversity.


For tour contact:
Dagangshan Humanist Association      


大崗山後山 地景探索




盤龍峽谷Panlong Gorge  田寮區得天獨厚的自然景觀給予旅人不同的驚喜和視野,從名聞遐邇的「月世界」惡地形,到大崗山後山精彩的「一線天」景觀,大自然的鬼斧神功讓人讚嘆不已。佔地南北長4.4公里、東西寬2公里的大崗山,橫跨田寮、阿蓮與岡山3個區,最高海拔為312公尺。座落於田寮區的大崗山後山之中許多景點,相當適合一日遊行程,我們隨著大崗山人文協會資深導覽員張淑娟一窺大崗山後山,罕為人知的一線天秘境「盤龍峽谷」。



由天靈洞涼亭可以俯瞰大崗山地區The view from Mount Dagan taken at pavilion near Tianling Cave  往「石母乳一線天」前進的路上,可在「天靈洞」附設的涼亭歇腳、登高望遠,可見高鐵列車呼嘯而過,天氣晴朗的日子視線落得更遠,連興達港的地標大煙囪都能一覽無遺;夜裏萬家燈火閃閃發亮,而點著燈的高鐵列車像極了會發光的毛毛蟲,急駛向前。



大崗山人文協會 (07)631-6862